I forgive my
forgetting and remember to Love.
I easily open my heart
and mind to Love one and all.
I trust and free the
Power of Love within me.
I am happy and
peaceful when I remember to Love.
Love the One You Are
If you are alone, Love
If you are with a
friend, Love.
If you are with family,
If you are with nature,
The call we have
chosen is to be Love and see Love.
There is no spot where
Love is not.
There is no lasting call
to remember but Love.
Love sweet healing and
remembering Love.
What is this
experience called Love?
How does Love work and
heal and bless?
What can we do with this
Love we are?
How do we show up in
this world of Love?
Pay Attention to Love
being given and the call to give Love.
Show Up with the
openness and willingness to share all you are.
Tell the Truth about the
Love and its value to be given and received.
Let Go of need to get a
reciprocal response of Love where it is needed.
Your expression of
love can be silent or open-hearted appreciation.
Your loving touch can be
a simple smile or healing touch.
Your gift of love
can be a good meal, a flower or act of kindness.
You are always
expressing love and with awareness your love means much more.
Love needs no defense,
because it protects you.
Love needs no
explanation, for it is innocent in its nature.
Love has no barriers,
because it is all in all and for all.
Love does not judge, for
it sees beyond all differences.
Love is in all that
is, when we do not distort our perception.
Love comes forth from
Love, because we are created in Love, by Love and for Love.
Love is all present and
inclusive, because it has no separation and is universal.
Love is all-powerful,
because it prevails no matter what seems to be experienced.
Love with your voice,
your hands, your look, your thoughts.
Love with every breath,
every word and every action you take.
Love through all time,
past, present and to come.
Love all peoples, all
places, all generations and all history.
With love there is
healing, understanding compassion and completion.
With remembrance of
love, we return to our natural state of wholeness.
And so it is.
Loving you always,
Betty Lue