I choose to learn quickly and live life well easily.
I make good choices and am consistently grateful.
I value the life I have and take good care of the good life.
I know what I want and live well with consciously.
Live Life Well!
This is your day.
Make it work for you.
This is your year.
Make it right for you.
This is your life.
Make it well for you.
This is your choice.
Think, feel and do what is yours to be and do.
Believe it or not, you have free will.
You can do and be what you choose.
You can experience what you prefer.
You can live well no matter the circumstances.
There are those who have severe conditions and limitations and
live well.
There are those who have the best conditions and total freedom and
live poorly.
There are those who have the worst and turn it around to live their
There are those who have the best lives and turn it around to do
We can learn from watching and listening to those around us to
discover the keys to positive living.
We can put down our own ability to choose what is good and right
for us and live poorly.
We can choose how to make our lives work for us and practice until
we get it just right.
We can commit ourselves to learning and enjoy a good life while
teaching others to enjoy life too.
If you are aware enough to read these Loving Reminders, you can
change your life direction.
When we are willing to explore and experiment with what we want
and how to get there, we can do it.
When we are open to undoing what doesn’t work well and choosing
what does, we have the secret.
When we know we can go in the direction that is good for us, we
are ready already to go there.
What will it take for you to live life well?
How can you undo what need not be?
When will you choose to value you first?
What can you do which will turn your life around?
Each one of us has lessons to learn and mistakes to make.
We all have paths to follow and adventures to take.
People are here to teach and learn, to give and receive what they
We can choose to learn quickly and receive optimally.
Being wise, we will open our hearts and minds to the value of
Being willing, we will choose the very best and pass it on.
Being kind, we will share the best we know with others.
Being whole, we will care deeply and profound for all.
Always Loving You,
Betty Lue