I love and trust my True Self.
I let go of dependency on what others think
and say.
I free myself to trust my own Inner
I forgive my Self doubt and fear and depend
only on Love.
“Pick yourself up.
Dust Yourself off.
Start all over again.”
When you are disappointed and discouraged, what can you
When you are hurt and afraid, what can you do?
When you have made yet another mistake, what can you do?
When you are lost and confused, what can you do?
This is the question we must learn to ask ourselves.
This is what we must teach our children to do.
This is what every upset must bring to our mind.
We must learn to learn and depend on our inner guide.
When tempted to whine and complain, stop.
When you begin to feel sorry for yourself, stop.
When you want to cry and give up, stop!
When you feel stuck, ask your Inner Self for help.
Simply ask yourself, WHAT CAN I DO?
You are your own best friend.
You are your counselor, healer and guide.
You are the one you need to listen to.
When we become dependent on others, we forget they are
learning too.
When we count on another to always come through, they may
not always be there.
When we think the “experts” know us best, we forget only we
truly can know ourselves.
When we imagine a pill, a book, a process is our answer, we
neglect our own uniqueness.
Learn to listen to your Self.
Learn to trust your inner Guide.
Learn to always be present for You.
Learn to be willing to go inside.
All solutions are within you.
All promises you make are for you.
All healing comes from within.
All Soul searching really begins with you.
Treat yourself with dignity and self respect.
Express your thoughts and feelings to yourself ( in
Ask for what you really want directly and explicitly.
Listen to what your very best inner guidance truly comes
through you.
When you are listening to and loving you, you will know
what is true for you.
I know healing come from within you in the silence of your
heart and mind.
I trust you to learn to trust you.
Listen to Your Inner Self.