Monday, November 25, 2019


It is my Joy that lifts me up.
It is my Gratitude that brings me Joy.
It is my celebration of Goodness and Beauty that inspires me.
It is my Inspiration that brings me to Life.

How To Celebrate?

I celebrate every day.
I celebrate knowing you.
I celebrate the Goodness within and around me.
I celebrate how wonderful it is to be here now.

What would it take for you to celebrate….sober?
What could you do to make your life wonderful for you?
Why not do what you can to make everyday a celebration?
How about creating natural healthy ways to celebrate your life?

Sometimes we think too much.
Sometimes we compare with others.
Sometimes we make ourselves miserable.
Do you worry, judge, resent, hold anger and fear?

Sometimes we don’t know how to let it go.
Sometimes we hold on to the past pain and suffering.
Sometimes we are worrying about what is coming in the future.
Sometimes we just are in the habit of reacting with fear and negativity.

Set yourself free.
Come home to right now.
Eat an ice cream cone or bake a pie.
Visit someone who needs a friend to smile and listen.

Be willing to watch the clouds moving by or the rain watering the Earth.
Open to the birds that sing and the rivers that flow or the water you drink.
Give back what you receive and learn to always “pay it forward” to encourage more giving.
Break the habit of watching and listening to scary upsetting and ugly stuff.

Choose to savor what is really good for you.
Feed your mind and belly and life what gives happiness and vitality.
Enjoy the little things like watching the sunrise or the sunset.
Pay attention to how much fun it is to make someone happy.

Celebrate your whole life.
Celebrate all you have experienced.
Celebrate how much you have learned.
Celebrate the ways you still can care and share.

Everyday become one who celebrates life…...Your Life!!!

I celebrate how good it is to be together, here and now.
Loving you for no good reason, except that is feels Good to Love You!

Betty Lue