Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Visioning for 2019:
Robert and I do visioning for the coming year on New Year’s Day.
Spending a day on quiet retreat, we begin envisioning the life we want to experience in the future.
Start with 20 years from now, 10 years from now, 5 years and two years and next year.
Write down the experiences you want to have for 2039, 2029, 2024, 2021 and next year 2020.
This begins to open our minds and heart to the experience we want to create for ourselves.

 Some people focus on service, some on personal health and happiness, some on relationship.
Whatever is your way will bring you to the experience you really want to fulfill your heart’s desire.
We begin to attract and magnify all the good to come to us and through us.

Allow yourself to begin the New Year with a positive imagination, creativity, inspiration and activity.
Blessings for us one and all.
Betty Lue and Robert

I celebrate and appreciate the Good in my life.
The more we love, trust and appreciate The Good, the more Good we have.
We together can share the Good and benefit everyone.
Life works for all, when we share our best with everyone.

A New Year

Let us create all for Good and Good for All.
There is plenty of Good for everyone.
We are All Creators in our own lives.
Together we can fully share the Abundant Good that already Is.

We give everything we see all the meaning it has for us.
If you want to have a meaningless life, let life have no meaning for you.
If you want to have a meaningful life, give everyday the meaning that you prefer.
A day of learning, healing, growth, accomplishment and enjoyment.

Choose the year of 2019 to be what you want to be.
Give your best.
Learn from everything.
Keep your promises to yourself.

Your life is yours to be carefully sorted and arranged for the best you know.
Give your whole life special attention.
Your life belongs to you.
Your life is a gift for you to care for and share.

Take time to really look at the gift of your life.
Be open to learn everything you can from your life.
Be patient in seeing and receiving all the Good for you.
We willing to enjoy the whole of life and share it with others.

It is easy to prosper and enjoy life when you see it whole.
Where there seems to be lack, there are treasures.
Where there seems to be littleness, there is simplicity.
Where there seems to be limitation, there is letting go.

See the Good in You and in All You Do.
Where there is lack, give more Good.
Where there is littleness, appreciate the Good.
Where there is limitation, freely share the Good.

It is fun, safe and easy to Love You and Me and Everyone.
In Love there is nothing lacking, little or limited.
In Love we all prosper and benefit.
Love is all we need.

Love, Love, Loving You,
Betty Lue