Wednesday, January 31, 2018


I care for everyone as myself.
I live because I care.
I dare to care and feel blessed by caring.
We are healed, when we care with trust and freedom.

Does Anybody Really Care?

Sometimes it hurts to care.
Sometimes it helps to care.
Sometimes we don’t know how to care.
Sometimes no one wants to care.

Caring is an essential human quality.
When we stop caring, we are numb.
When we stop caring, we feel separate.
When we stop caring. we stop helping.

When we stop caring about ourselves, we cannot care for others.
When we stop caring for ourselves, we need someone to care for us.
When we need someone to care for us, no one may know how to care.
When we leave caring to others, no one may be there to care.

Everyone needs to learn to care.
We learn to care by experiencing someone caring for us.
We learn to care by feeling how good it feels to care for someone.
We feel caring by giving care for others.

Let us care for the earth.
Let us care for the foods we eat.
Let us care for the animals.
Let us care for the trees, plants and flowers.

Let us care for the dawn and the sunset.
Let us care for the natural scents in the wind.
Let us care for the air we breathe.
Let us care for the environment we live in.

Let us care for kindness.
Let us care for doing good deeds.
Let us care for our words.
Let us care for sharing encouragement and gratitude,

Let us care to teach others how to care.
Let us share how loved we feel when others care.
Let us demonstrate our caring by treating everyone well.
Let us live our caring by always and only sharing the best we know.

When everyone gives their best, we all feel better.
When everyone cares their most, we all feel loved.
When everyone does good deeds, we all feel blessed.
When everyone cares, no one will be left out and alone.

I love you for caring,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What Are You Saying?

I forgive all misperceptions, mind and others/
I choose to be conscious of my loving intention.
I pray all I say and do be used for Good.
I trust all things, even mistakes, can work together for Good.

Watch What You Say!

Words are interpreted by those listening.
Words are heard through the filters in the mind.
Words can be received with love or with fear.
Words can be hear both cloudy and clear

When you speak, speak with intention.
When you share, share with love.
When you help, help with respect.
When you give, give with gratitude.

Often people are saying only what the listener wants to hear.
Some people speak to receive approval and appreciation.
Others say what they need to hear for themselves.
Some simply talk to fill the silence.

Pay attention to the setting, private or public.
Listen for the language of the listener.
Attune to your intention to connect or disconnect.
Recognize the emotional state and language of the receiver.

Many other components of speech are done intuitively.
Often people don’t even notice who they are talking to.
If there is an agenda or intention for the communication, it may not be heard.
Often there are inappropriate times or ways of speaking with others.

Some notice body language and others tone of voice.
Some receive the message through facial expressions.
Some actually connect and believe every word.
In communication, there is no way to control what the other receives.

Communication is a fine art.
Communication is complex and often inadequate.
What we perceive is what we believe.
What we hear it translated by our past experience.

It is valuable to know our intention before we speak.
It is helpful to have some knowledge of the other.
It is useful to be clear about the desired outcome for the words spoken.
It is healthy to clarify what was actually heard by the receiver.

Some key questions for each communication:
What is the intention of this conversation, phone call or text?
What do I want to other to receive from me?
How do I want the outcome to be?
Do I need to listen first or share first?
Is this communication for a specific purpose?
Do I want to be helpful or demanding, positive or negative?
Do I just want to dump my own toxic material and hope for the best?
Am I here to bring calm or disturbance?
Do I want to share love or fear?

Stop before you speak and ask, “What is my desired outcome?”
When you make a mistake, it is always helpful to apologize, forgive your error and learn what is better.
Let’s respect and appreciate each communication and the words we use!

Thanks for caring,
Betty Lue 

Monday, January 29, 2018


I choose to give and receive all Good and only Good.
I remember only what is good and whole and beautiful.
I trust in the Good in all things.
I easily forgive and erase everything that is not for the Highest Good of All.

Trust in Goodness!

Remember the days when we trusted in Good.
Remember when we lived free as children.
Remember when we only knew peace.
Remember the time we knew everything would be OK.

The thoughts we hold in mind will be made manifest.
The truths we trust are true will always be our truths.
The places we go with gratitude for being will be there for us.
The way we think creates what is our experience.

When we question, we see what is questionable.
When we doubt, we will perceive what we do not trust.
When we fear, we gather evidence of what we fear.
When we feel weak, we look for our weaknesses and find them.

It is true that what we seek, we find.
It is not true that we are not responsible for what we find.
What we seek becomes our chosen reality, because we seek it.
When we are willing to relinquish what we do not want, we will no longer find it.

How can it be that we shape our reality?
1)   We see it because we look for it.
2)   We find it because we need to be right.
3)   We make it appear because we create it.
4)   We amplify it with our energy.
5)   We attract others’ energy to make it so.
6)   We conceive and believe until we achieve.

When we remember only Good, we live with Goodness.
When we appreciate only Good, we expand the Good.
When we forgive what is not Good, we erase all that is not Good.
When we recognize the intrinsic Good, we celebrate and encourage Good.

Is it not time to let go of fearful images?
Is it not time to extinguish attack thoughts?
Is it not time to undo false truths?
Is it not time to stop laying weak and small?

Let us choose to seek and find only Good.
Let us forgive our fear and see what is clearly Good.
Let us choose to tell the Highest Truths.
Let us stop being victims of our own imagined powerlessness.

We can choose to give and receive only what is Good, Whole and Beautiful for one and all.
Now is our time!
Trusting in our innate Good,
Betty Lue

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Support You!

I support myself with Gratitude, Freedom and Trust.
What is best for me is best for others.
I support myself so I can fully and freely support others.
I trust myself to be, do and have the best support I know.

How Do You Support Yourself?

Do you support yourself everyday?
Do you take care of your basic needs?
Do you encourage and reassure yourself/
Do you consciously always do what is good for you?

Sometimes you neglect yourself and don’t understand why you feel neglected.
Sometimes you criticize yourself and don’t understand why others criticize you.
Sometimes you deny yourself and don’t understand why others deny you.
Sometimes you do not like or love you and are upset because you don’t feel loved.

First support yourself.
Whatever you believe you are missing, give it to yourself..
Whatever you feel is lacking in your life, make time to create more.
What you long to experience, sis what you need to offer.
What you criticize and complain about is yours to forgive and do better.

If you want support, give support.
If you want thanks, give thanks.
If you want encouragement, give encouragement.
If you want love and appreciation, give love and appreciation.

What we seek is what we believe is lacking in our world.
If you see a need fill it.
If you believe something is missing, it is yours to fill.
What you see is what you believe.

When you change your mind, your life changes.
When you give what is yours to give, you receive the gift.
When you appreciate what is unnoticed, you will fill the void.
When you are faithful to what is important to you, you will experience trust.

Life shows us our part with every criticism and unmet need
Life gives us a grand view of what we can do, because we see it.
Life allows us to feel what is important to us with unhappy emotions.
Our only mistake is that we leave it up to others.

We are responsible for being our own primary support team.
We are here to change our thoughts, words and interaction with others.
We are called to support rather than take things for granted.
We are assigned our part with the unmet needs we recognize.

When we support what we see is needed, we begin to believe we can make the change.
When we know that we are not alone, we start to feel there is a way to support one another.
When we take impeccable care of our mind, our body and Spirit, we see what is possible.
When we are inspired to give ourselves the best, we can give our best to others.

What is best for you is best for others.
Now is the time to give our support to one and all, including ourselves.

Supporting myself with the highest and best thoughts, words and activities I know.
Thank you for supporting you with the Best you know.
Betty Lue

Saturday, January 27, 2018


I appreciate you for reading and living these reminders.
I am super grateful that this is my calling and my gift.
I praise all Good in us all for All We Are and Do with One Another.
I give thanks that gratitude words exquisitely well.

The Key to Everything Is Gratitude and Praise.

Give thanks for all things.
Appreciate all you have experience.
Be grateful for what you know.
Appreciate who you are.

Give thanks for what you have.
Give thanks for what you want.
Give thanks for what you are not.
Appreciate being thankful.

It just occurred to me!
My freedom comes from being grateful.
My abundance comes from being thankful.
My loving relationships come from appreciating everyone.

I believe the key to all Good is being Grateful for all Good.
I trust the key to having all is giving all to all.
I see that saying Thank you is what keeps the good coming to me.
I know that with appreciation come growth, expansion and increase.

Start an experiment in your life, your home and workplace.
Say thanks to everyone for everything.
Start a trend with those you live and work with daily.
Appreciate openly every little thing.

Speak your appreciation with words.
Show your appreciation with smiles.
Give your appreciation with notes and gifts.
Allow your appreciation to flow abundantly for everything.

Everyone benefits from thankfulness.
Everyone is blessed with gratitude.
Everyone is filled with acknowledgment.
Everyone is encouraged with appreciation.

Everything is increased with our appreciation.
Everything is sustained with our gratitude
Everything is bettered by our praise.
Everything is enriched with our mindful blessing.

We ourselves grow in faith, love and happiness when we are grateful.
We are more aware when we give praise.
We are filled with more happiness, health and prosperity.
When we give more appreciation, we have more to be grateful for.

Do an experiment for 30 days!
Challenge yourself to say “Thank You to everyone everyday”
Notice the results in you and around you.
Watch your health, happiness and prosperity increase.

So very grateful we are friends on the path to true prosperity and fulfillment.
Betty Lue