is delightful and full of light.
fill myself with light and feel fully alive.
turn up the light in my life and see more clearly.
and light create my joy daily.
Light, Please!
there is darkness, disappointment and depression, we need more light.
Whenever there is
desperation and despair, we need light, more light.
Whenever you find
yourself confused, complaining and cloudy, turn up the lights.
The more light, the
more clearly you see and wisely you know and understand.
provides more information.
Inspiration provides
more energy.
Forgiveness provides
more openness to see.
Love provides more
freedom and trust.
up the light in your home and you will see more to undo.
Turn up the light one
your relationships and you will see more to heal.
Turn up the light in
your mind and you will become more willing to respond.
Turn up the light in
your life and you will energize your love quotient.
often, certain seasons offer less light and more gloom.
The external ma¥
affect your moods and energy responses.
The physical and
mental changes in physiology may follow.
We need to choose
and use whatever the state seems to be.
what you can do to cast out fear.
Consider how you can
bring more light into your environment.
Understand your
motivation for seeing less with less light.
Invite yourself to
spend even one hour with more light.
may begin to see more to learn and discern.
With more
information, you see more choices.
With more
inspiration, you receive more energy.
With more letting go
and willingness, you feel more light.
energies are decreased with less light.
Life energy is
increased with more light.
We choose to turn up
the volume or turn it down.
We can smile more or
frown more.
is in our command, when we realize we can make changes.
We can do more, love
more, forgive more, energize more or less.
We are at the
control of our thoughts, emotions and actions.
We determine how we
use the light energy and light within.
Call in the light
and learn more.
Turn up the light
and see more to do.
Enjoy the light and
feel more trusting and free.
Give more delight
and joy and feel fully alive.
is a gift.
Use it wisely and
Loving you with the
light in me.
Betty Lue