Saturday, October 15, 2016

You Count!

I am part of everyone I see.
I choose to love and appreciate the totality of me.
Everything I give is given back to me.
I am forever inspired and encouraged to give.

You Count!

Every vote counts.
Every kindness makes a difference.
Every “Thanks” matters.
Every affirmation changes everything.

We live in a holographic world.
One single prayer changes things.
One song  of peace make touches us all.
Each act of forgiveness clears the way for greater togetherness.

You may think you don’t really matter to the rest of humanity.
But it isn’t true, for you make a difference to me and to you.
Consider the value of one drop of rain to a thirsty flower.
Observe the difference one kiss makes to one who is hungry for love.

Believe in the healing from one act of kindness.
Trust that your words of gratitude inspire us to share more.
Your genuine smile brings light to your world.
Your peaceful mind makes us all feel more safe.

I know you matter, because I can feel your love.
I feel the Love you give, because I am open for the gift you bring.
I sense you gentle healing touch because I know it is what we need.
I trust your words of reassurance when you give your vow of peace.

You see, those who are open and listening receive your prayers.
We are willing to join you, so we are gathered in the sanctity of healing.
All of us together bring goodness into every mind and kindred Spirit.
We inspire and uplift one another for the awakening of all.

What you can do touches my heart.
What you offer to others is a blessing to me.
What you share with another is heard by us all.
How we believe in one another reminds us we are free.

Let us use this day, this hour, to make our lives count.
Let us give to one another what we ourselves know is the greatest need for all.
How we spend out time, our thoughts and words and actions cry for joining.
And when we join in love, there is nothing we cannot do for the sake of all.

You matter to me.
In everyway and every day, your life touches mine.
We came to this time together to sing out joy and peace and gratitude.
We are here to remind one another and remember we are together in Love.

I count on you!
Always Loving You!
Betty Lue

The Gift You Are

You are the gift.
In your healing, I am healed.
In your smiling, I find joy.
In your learning, I am filled with wisdom.
In your free expressions, I am empowered.
In your abundance, I too prosper.
In your spontaneity, I am set free.
In your joy, I know heaven.

And so it is that you give your Self to me
And I receive you with love and gratitude.
I am the gift I give to You
And I fully receive the gift I freely give.

As I know You, I know my Self.
As I give to you, I receive all good.
As I support you, I am supported by the Universe.
As I honor and respect you, I experience gratitude in all my being.
As I love you, I am loving all of God's creation.

I know you and believe in you.
I honor, respect and support you in being.
In you and me is all the Universe.
We are gifts to one another.

       - Betty Lue