Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Having a Good Time?

I celebrate the goodness in my life.
I listen, learn and release all that is not good for me.
I easily change my focus from what depressed to what inspires me.
I set the best example I know for others.

Are You Having a Good Time?

Wherever you are……. You can have a good time or a bad time.
Even in Hawaii, you can have a bad time.
You can find something to complain about.
You can focus on what is not working for you.

You can change your mind simply by changing your focus.
You can pay attention to one insect bite.
You can wish you have your own bed.
You can imagine it should have been different.

We are coming home from a week here on Kauai with our granddaughter and her best friend.
They are both 18 years old and making many life changes with schooling, boy friends and life choices.
They are living in a world of great worries and pressures and infinite distractions.
They are mostly innocent girls trying to be adults, easily hurt and with minimal support.

This was a gift of love, an opportunity to share in their world and them to share in ours.
This time has been an educational and inspirational experience for us all to join together.
We are the elders in an unusual circumstance more than just vacationing in paradise.
The return to the mainland offers them many challenges and unknowns which cause anxiety.

This is the time to have the feeling of excitement, looking forward to their future lives.
These are the years to learn to have a good time with lessons to be learned and gifts to be shared.
Youth is meant to be filled with fun, excitement, freedom and new responsibilities.
However even with smart, beautiful, good adolescents, life feels serious and overwhelming.

I ask is all,: How can we teach our children and young adults to find joy in living?
How can their elders and better yet their parents and teachers, show them  a good life?
Is there a way we can change their experience and have a life of wonder, possibility and opportunity?
How can we undo the mistakes of past generations, so life can be fresh and filled with enjoyment?

While it may seem they lack experience, they see and hear everything on TV and media.
They hear everything that is bad and dangerous from their parents and schooling.
They have plenty of experience learning the dangers of environment, drugs, politics and war.
And very often they see no safe people or places in which to rest and enjoy their lives.

Relationship issues show up with little respectful connections with caring adults.
The best resource if to go on the internet for advice and answers to unending questions.
Parents and teachers seem to busy and caught up in their own complex and difficult lives.
Our youth tend to go to each other or the internet for entertainment and informational outlets.

What can we do to help?
How can you and I teach, model and offer a safer world where people simply listen and care?
Are we not responsible for the legacy which we give our children and future generations?
How can we have sober and sane good times with our families and friends and young people?

I am inviting us to take a look at what are the good times for us.
Do we know how to create our own good times?
Do we understand how to choose again and refocus our attention on gratitude?
Are we showing the younger generations how to deal with what we have created?

Let us choose again to bring back an era of good times for everyone.
Let us remember to be grateful for all the goodness in our lives.
Let us especially value ourselves and what we have and do and share.
Let us enjoy our relationships, our homes, our work and ourselves.

Celebrating the good times I experience caring and sharing with you.
Blessings abound in how blessed I know I Am.
Betty Lue