Sunday, July 24, 2016

Privilege and Responsibility

I am truly grateful for my life.
I take good care of all I have.
I celebrate the privilege of life on earth in this country/
I am responsible for all I think and say and do for the Good of All.

Privilege and Responsibility

It is a privilege to live here.
Let us be fully responsible for where we live.
It is a privilege to have food and water, shelter and fresh air.
Let us be fully responsible.

It is a privilege to have free speech.
Let us use our words responsibly.
It is a privilege to worship or not as we choose.
Let us use this right responsibly.

It is a privilege to have children.
Let us be able to respond to our children with respect.
It is a privilege to buy what we need.
Let us not squander using our money and food stamps responsibly.

It is a privilege to eat well with what nourishes us.
Let us remember to use this gift responsibly.
It is a privilege to be able to choose what we eat and drink.
Let us always use this gift with respectful consideration.

It is a privilege to have quality health care.
Let us be really responsible for our health care.
It is a privilege to vote for our public officials.
Let us remember to exercise this right responsibly.

It is a privilege to see and hear and think.
Let us not take for granted this amazing gift.
It is a privilege to read and write.
Let us always respect our schools and libraries.

It is a privilege to have love and support.
Let us be grateful for everything we have.
It is a privilege to know there is help and protection.
Let us not squander the incredible gifts in our lives.

We live in an amazing world with abundant gifts.
Let us be responsible for what we have and use it well.
We live in a time of great uncertainty….perhaps because we need to wake up.
Let us be responsible for the incredible gifts we have.

It is our time to be grateful, not critical.
It is our responsibility to respect what we have.
Let us take care of our thoughts and words and use them responsibly.
It is a privilege to have those teachers and leaders, servicemen and servants of the people.

Let us appreciate the privilege of living right here and right now.
I love you and the opportunity to write to you for the sake of us all.
Betty Lue