I treat every child with respect, trust and love.
I treat everyone as I want to treated.
I demonstrate by my behavior and words the best I know.
I take impeccable care of myself so I am able to respond
to everyone with my best love and wisdom.
What Do You Want Children to Learn?
Children learn from what they feel, see and hear.
copy the authority figures around them.
make up the world they see is what they will be.
learn from everything they experience in their world.
Adults learn from what they feel, see and hear.
Adults copy
or rebel from the authority figures around them.
Adults make
up the world they see and hear is what they will be.
learn from everything they experience in their world.
When we trust what seems to be is what will be, we allow
what we experience to define us.
When we
believe what we hear on TV, gossip, stories, books, teachers, we make it our
When we
doubt what we hear on TV, gossip, stories, books and teachers, we become able
to choose.
what is real is only a point of view, an interpretation or one truth, and
may generate new ideas.
To be conscious, we must feel free to choose from all
When we are
afraid or feel unsafe, we may find only one way is right.
When we
know we are able to choose a better way, we feel happy and free.
When we are
threatened or demanded to only be one way, we may feel limited.
Conscious parenting requires us to show our children how
to make healthy decisions.
parenting invites us to relook at what we really want for our children.
parenting asks that we observe what works for each child.
parenting shows us that we make mistakes which we can correct.
There are many ways to parent.
There are
many differences in children.
There are
opportunities to learn about a variety of parenting styles.
For each
parent and child there may be many different good choices.
To generate trust, we must be trustworthy.
To teach
children to be honest, parents must be honest.
To teach
children to be happy, parents must be happy.
To teach
children to be healthy, the parents must be healthy.
Children pay attention and copy their elders.
play “make believe” to try out different ways to live and work.
learn how to be loving and kind or fearful and unkind from the adults in their
speak as they are spoken to by the adult guides.
We each owe the next generation our very best behavior,
respectful words and positive thinking.
We are
teaching them when they feel rewards and disciplined, love and punished.
They are
listening to our conversations with others and with one another.
usually trust that if we are their parents, we must be doing things correctly.
Let us give them better examples of language,
relationship, handling money and work.
Be the role
model you really want for the children and people in your life.
I expect us
all to demonstrate our best behavior with those we encounter, especially our
every child and seeing in them unlimited potential,
Betty Lue