am willing to be All I Am.
uncover my disguise and see as all as whole and Holy.
Give All to All and discover Who I Am.
reveal myself when I heal all belief in lack and limitation.
You Allowing Your Self To Be?
you letting your Self be happy?
Are you seeing
your Self as whole?
Are you forgiving
your Self for limiting your Self?
Are you willing
to fully and freely be Who You Are?
we are having fun, feeling safe and flowing with what is, we are being our Self!
When we are
relinquishing our seriousness and feeling open and willing, we are remembering.
When we are undoing
our fear and really being here, we are touching the present moment.
When we are joining
with what is with no lack or comparison, we are feeling at home.
lives are gifts to us.
When we fully unwrap
our gift, we see our authentic Self.
When we freely
disclose our Self to one another, we reveal the Essence,
When we are willing
to Be All We Are, we realize our Magnificence.
Authentic Self has been called many names.
We have judged our
safety in being Great.
We have feared our
exposure to be Love.
We have
misunderstand the Source of this Gift.
have been given a gift of unmeasureable Price.
Yet, we deny our own
We have been
bestowed the Greatest Give of Love.
Yet, we have
withheld this Love from ourselves and others.
can it be that we fear our own Worth?
Why would we want
to hold back on our Treasure?
How can we not
share what has been given?
Why wait for Trust
and Freedom to let it all Show?
receive the Gift of the One We Are.
Accept and
appreciate the Joy of receiving.
This Pearl of Self
has taken years of refining to shine.
We are here to open
up and show the Beauty that lies within.
We are
here to show up and pay attention.
We are here to see
and share who We Are.
We are here to allow
and accept our Beauty.
We are here to
realize What We Have Been Given.
Whole Life is for Giving.
We are the Gift here
to Be received by us.
We are here to share
the Gift of Self
We recognize the
Gift We Are when we freely Give this Gift.
In our
giving the world is blessed.
In our sharing the
world is prospered.
In our Self
Revelation, we can see Who We are Here to Be.
In our Recognition
of Self, we recognize the Gift in EveryOne.
A Boo”!
I see you!
I recognize You!
You are Love!
Betty Lue
“Our Greatest Fear”
Our greatest fear
is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
It is our light,
not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented and fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that others won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone,
and as we let our own light shine
we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear
our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson, 1992