I enjoy exploring my choices.
I easily let go of what doesn’t work for me.
I choose what is highest and best for all.
I envision Good, speak my Highest Truth and live
what is true for me.
Are You Awake and Aware?
Do you
know what matters to you?
Do you
attend to what is most important?
Are you
living your values?
When we are asleep, we don’t notice unless there is a
wakeup call.
When we are
unconscious, we don’t pay attention to what matters.
When we are
sleeping on our life, we simply stop caring.
When we are
neglecting ourselves, life doesn’t work for us.
What do you notice about your life?
Are you
crying, angry or afraid?
Are you
unhappy or needy?
Are you
waiting for someone or something to rescue you?
When we learn to be a helpless victim, we may not know
what to do.
When we
have placed the blame on someone or something, we may wait to be saved.
We can go
unconscious with drugs, medication, illness, media, & addiction to numb us.
We can
succumb to lazy habits which put us to sleep.
To wake up, we must take responsibility.
To wake up,
we must see what is and choose what we want to be.
To wake up
we need be aware and acknowledge what we have chosen.
To wake up
we can forgive our judgments and choose for what we value.
When we blame ourselves, we get stuck in what we don’t
When we
feel guilt, we try to fix it, blame others or sit in self pity.
When we
take responsibility, we learn, we heal and we move on.
When we
forgive ourselves, we accept mistakes and choose again.
Being awake means we see what we have chosen.
Being awake
is being curious and willing to see.
Being awake
is valuing the learning and growth.
Being awake
is enjoy the divers possibilities.
Choosing what matters may entail trying our much that
matters not at all.
attention may include being distracted by meaningless experiences.
Living ones
values often means trying our everyone else’s values on the way.
When our
intention is to enjoy life and find our right way, we keep going.
Be willing to see what is.
Be open to
acknowledge what is not right for us.
forgiving and delete error with gratitude.
Be creative
and choose again for what is good.
Sounds safe, fun and easy.
what is good may take some exploration.
oneself, mistakes and all, is healing.
Enjoy the
process of returning to love and remembering your wholeness.
I see the Goodness and Love in You as You.
Betty Lue
Shared with Love for who each one is here to be.
Let us Love One Another as we are willing to Love our
You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life
If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing
For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still
So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity
A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer