I Trust in All That Is Good And Whole And Beautiful.
I know Love is Trust and Freedom.
I trust in the Goodness of God that lives in me.
I believe it is Trust that sets us free.
Learn to Trust
Wherever there is trust, there is peace.
Whenever we
trust, we allow Good.
However we
trust, we will understand.
With Trust
in us, we can flow with life.
Trust opens minds.
Trust give
us freedom.
encourages creation.
brings creative solutions.
Trust in what? you may say.
Trust in
the Universe or Source or God.
Trust in
Divine Right Outcome.
Trust in
the Goodness and Love That Is.
When we have worldly angst and distrust, we must clear the
fear to reveal how to trust.
When we
learn there is no one and nothing to trust, we can look beyond the specific
When we
find we cannot trust in our personality or ego mind to guide us, we must listen
When we do
not know where to go or what is real, we can clear the beliefs and look
When we trust things will stay the same, we are mistaken.
When we
believe that there is someone who will not change, we may feel betrayed.
When we
imaging personalities will always we healthy and wise, we may feel cheated.
and everything is changing and evolving, learning and letting go.
Begin to seek the miracle of healing and transformation.
Begin to
trust in the natural opening and evolution in the world.
Begin to
watch what happens when you stop judging and just observe.
Begin to
notice how clearing the fear opens the way to the return of Love.
Life is our creation, teaching us to undo all the barriers
to Trust.
Life is our
projection giving us tools to remember what is real.
Life is a
gift and reflection of what we think and say and do.
Life is a
reminder of what we need to realize the truth of our creations.
When we relinquish our need to judge, we open the way to
When we set
aside our learned fears, we feel free to trust again.
When we
recognize there is more than we see, we begin to see reality.
When we
undo our distrust, distraction and disappointments, we realign with Goodness in
Where we trust in Higher Ground, we step up and patiently
When we
know there is something more, we watch and listen for what it is to be.
When we
allow ourselves to believe in Good in all things, we trust it will show up for
When we
begin to trust in All That Is as it flows through our lives, we find sanctuary
in that peace.
Let us together learn to trust.
Betty Lue
Holistic Workshop
Renewal & Life Balance:
What is Best for You?
January 23, 9:30-12 noon
in Brentwood Holistic Center.
¤ I love you
and I know you love me too.
The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
The trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.
Betty Lue 1978
I am loving us all.
is love that prevails in all things, large and small.
Above all, let us simply
remember to love.
Betty Lue