celebrate new beginnings and use them well.
give my best and know it is always enough.
love who I Am and choose to have a good life.
life serves me with learning, choice and blessings of Good.
(See Honorable Closure below)
Dear Loving
Reminders Friends and Family.
At the
end of 2015, it is important that we clean up any messes we made.
It is valuable to
make amends with people we have incompletions.
It is helpful to
prepare the ground of our being for the coming year.
It is renewing and
reenergizing with gratitude for what has been.
It is
good practice to let go of what we thought should have been.
It is loving to
forgive ourselves and others for what appeared unkind.
It is hopeful to
choose a policy of love for all ANYWAY!
( See the poem below!!)
It is awakening to
remember we are responsible for it all as our projections.
We are
the ones here to awaken and learn.
We can wake up
quickly and easily or sleep often.
We can wait until
there is drama or tragedy to awaken.
We can stay
conscious and listen to our conscience.
We can
learn from everyone and everything.
We can take notes
and follow signals.
We can use reminders
to be fully aware.
Life is serving us
with unlimited wakeup calls.
Let us
take time letting go.
Use whatever ritual
serves you best.
Write and burn or
tear up and throw in the garbage.
Breathe and release
as you undo what you no longer want.
we must be awake and aware.
Second we must
choose to release and delete.
Third we must be
grateful for what we learned.
Fourth we must
appreciate our willingness to learn from all things.
this is your life.
Remember you are
served by your Creator and the Universe.
Remember you can
always choose again and create anew.
Remember you can
begin again with each day, not just on New Year’s.
ways to begin anew are given you to use and create your own.
Use my 30 Days to
Healing and Enlightenment.
Use Daily Loving
Reminders from me and the resources that resonate with you.
Take time daily to
stop and regain the frame in which you want to picture yourself.
open and willing to serve the Greater Good….and that means YOU>
Loving you now and
Betty Lue
do you complete a relationship, marriage, teaching-learning experience, job or
do you know you are really complete?
may walk away without really finishing the healing work, because it is easier
don’t know how to come to a truly peaceful place, where “good-bye” is “God be
with You”.
When we are complete, we are at peace and in love.
have no regrets, no resentments, no unhappy memories.
Honorable closure acknowledges:
1) the learning and growth received,
2) challenges and difficulties experienced,
3) appreciation of gifts and blessings,
4) forgiveness and amends made.
within your self and with the other person all that you have learned and how
you have grown and benefited from the experience.
**Honor and express the challenges and difficulties that occurred and perhaps were endured
during the time together.
your gratitude and appreciation to the other for the benefits you received.
your forgiveness and/or make amends for those places of unconscious or
conscious errors of omission or commission. Often neither party is aware
of what went unexpressed until the two have an opportunity to talk together.
This is very valuable when done with the conscious intention for a
peaceful conclusion.
lastly, give your full appreciation and blessings to those whom you are
Honorable closure includes a face to face or heart to heart connection so that all parties
have a full opportunity to express their piece of the whole. Incompletion is
never one sided. If one party loses and is in grief neither person is at peace.
If you cannot complete in person, write out your thoughts and
feeling respectfully and with gratitude.
I am
grateful I have learned…
I am
grateful I was challenged……
I am
grateful to have regrets which I can apologize for and learn from.
I am
grateful to see how much I have received and appreciate……..
Do your part when you part.
we complete a relationship, job, living situation with honor for all, we are
free to choose again without being haunted by the past or unconsciously
repeating the same patterns.
To move on, to create anew, to be fully inspired requires honorable
closure. Begin now!
Saying good-bye can be done with love, respect and profound gratitude and
inner peace. Do it Now!
Lue 1983
Do It Anyway
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true
enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy it all overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
daily practice will heal and transform your life
continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.
Forgiveness heals our perception and gives
us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our
Experience Consciously.
expands what we
Choose and increases our Joy.
Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a
and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind.
write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within.
need to understand or feel anything.)
forgive you for being mean.
forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
forgive my body’s limitation.
forgive myself for being late.
forgive everything.
write and say 30 Choices.
choose to be happy.
choose to be free.
choose to do what I love.
choose to forgive….
In the Evening (before bed)
and say 30 Gratitudes
appreciate the energy I have.
love being happy.
am grateful I have you in my life.
thank God.
the sound
“OM” the
Universal sound for Love and God for 1 minute.
Even a few of each is better than none.
what you can and trust it is working.
when you are driving to work, you can do this process aloud.
key is your willingness to DO THE WORK!
You always,
Betty Lue