I listen to myself by writing what I hear.
I learn the difference between spiritual and worldly
thoughts through writing.
I easily connect with others by writing my thoughts and
I feel at one with my authentic Self when I write.
The Value of Writing
Writing down your thoughts and feelings is beneficial to
healing and growth.
Writing in
a journal, diary, tablet or even on a napkin helps the mind conceptualize.
activates the sight, sound and imagery in our minds.
Writing is
how most people learn and remember.
Writing is essential to a productive and fulfilling life.
Writing is
important to share, connect and represent oneself.
Writing is
a way to inform ourselves and others of our intention.
Writing is
a lasting form of communicating.
Write for yourself to express and explore your own thoughts
and feelings.
Write to
share your ideas with others for learning and understanding.
Write to
remember what you value and want to retain and amplify.
Write down
your inner guidance and mediation as your own Loving Reminders.
How and Where to write.
Writing in
a journal has value for listening to your own thoughts and feelings.
Writing ‘to
do’ lists has value to keep you on task.
Writing goals
helps you remember your Vision and Direction.
letters to others has value to feel connected and intentional.
‘thank you’ notes increases the power of appreciation.
letters to Higher Power or God inspires the spiritual connection.
poetry has value in allowing the flow of freedom within you.
stories encourages sharing what you and others may want to remember.
affirmations has value in encouraging the release of blocks .
feelings of worry, hurt, anger and fear helps to release and let go.
Writing a
blog has value for everyone to stay connected.
down mission, purpose, goals and plans encourages staying on path.
Writing inner guidance grounds the experience in practical
Use writing
for clearing with forgiveness, choice and gratitude offer profound mental
Learning to
manage ones thinking with writing provides effective creation and
Using the
power of writing offers proficiency in all forms of communication.
Enjoy writing with quiet after or during meditation.
the creativity of writing with music or in nature.
your writing by sharing with others the beauty of expression.
Establish a
daily writing habit to strengthen the power with enjoyment.
Writing has great value to you and your world!
writing with Inner guidance is a wonderful way to Love You and Me!!
Betty Lue
30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and
live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual
Forgiveness heals
our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us
to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands
what we Choose and increases our Joy.
Daily Practice:
Begin each morning with a pad of
lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind.
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.
Now write and say 30 Choices.
I choose to be happy.
I choose to be free.
I choose to do what I love.
I choose to forgive….
In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the sound
“OM” the Universal sound for Love and God
for 1 minute.
PS Even a few of each is better than none.
Do what you can and trust it is working.
Even when you are driving to work, you can do this
process aloud.
The key is your willingness to DO THE WORK!
Loving You always,
Betty Lue
How to Use Affirmations:
Affirmations are used to clear unconscious programming
that tends to guide our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Writing, speaking and hearing us say the affirmation
aloud clears the false beliefs through our sense of sight, sound and touch.
It is essential that we keep writing and saying the
affirmations until there is no longer resistance to the limiting beliefs.
Affirmations are not to be used to develop a new belief,
but only useful to clear false limiting programs.
Once there is quiet, clarity, no resistance, we are
My favorite way to do affirmations is to divide the lined
page down the middle.
The affirmation is written on the left side and your mind
chatter or contradictory thought is written on the right side.
Then cross off the negative.
Write the affirmation again on the left and listen to
your mind chatter and write on the right.
Cross the mind chatter off.
Continue writing the affirmation 20 times and listen for
the resistant thought after each one.
I would do it all by hand, so I could cross it off with
my pen!!
20 times daily for 14 days or until there is no
Do no more than three different affirmations at a time.
Things may change dramatically, so be prepared to notice
big difference.
Life works when we are willing to do the work.
Ask me for help if you have trouble finding the
affirmations that are most effective for you.
Always choose an affirmation that you resist,
because it will help clear away what is blocking your Good.
They will always feel like a lie in the beginning and you
may find great resistance to doing them!!
Affirmations for Conscious Healing
by Betty Lue Lieber, MFT, Ph.D.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I now easily bless and release all that no longer serves
I forgive with ease and let go with gratitude.
Everyone and everything is either giving love or calling
for Love.
I am a Love giver.
The more I give Love, the more I have the Love I want.
Light, light, I want more light.
I choose to live with joy and give with gratitude.
I love my life and it loves me.
I have what I want and share the best I have.
Life works for me.
I am the chooser, never a loser.
Everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.
I am clear, focused and committed.
I consciously communicate exactly what I want.
I trust in my inner knowing, always gentle, loving and
I let go of expectations, evaluations and
I am creating a world of healing and love one person at a
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love
and respect me.
The more I love and respect myself, the more I love and
respect others.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love
and respect themselves.
I give myself the very best and all are blessed.
I am present, peaceful, awake and aware.
I share only the highest Truth I know and then I let go.
My happiness is contagious.
I replace all worry, fear and doubt with trust, freedom
and blessing.
Peace and love and joy heal us All.
My body is a vehicle for learning only Love is Real.
Useful suggestions
for applying the technique of Autosuggestion to the Affirmations
Write each affirmation 10 to 20 times.
Writing is an extremely powerful technique of
Work with one or more every day. Good times
are just before sleeping, before starting the day and especially whenever you
feel at effect.
They can also be recorded on cassette tape and played
back to yourself.
The best way to do that is by recording each affirmation
5 or 10 times so that you have time to think about them when they are playing.
Make a list of the affirmations that are most meaningful
to you.
Put specific names and situations into the affirmations.
Play with the vocabulary in the affirmation--make it
personal and meaningful to yourself.
Say the affirmations to yourself in the first, second and
third persons as follows:
I, (name), now
like myself. You, (name), now like
yourself. Name, now likes
Feel free to invent new ones.
Continue working with them daily until they become
totally integrated into your consciousness.
To dissolve negative mental patterns and free maximum
aliveness in your consciousness, write each affirmation in order 10 or 20
Note the ones that are most meaningful or produce the greatest
Continue working with these until they go flat.
When they go flat, you are at
total cause and master of the results implied by the affirmations.