Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What Do You Value?

I value the highest and best for myself.
I am committed to serving what I truly value.
I easily focus on what I want to be and see, do and have.
My health, finances and relationships all serve me consistently.

What Do You Really Value?

Do you value what you don’t have?
Do you value what you wish you had?
Do you value what others have?
Do you fear you will never have what you value?

What we value is what keeps showing up!
Values are based on where we spend our time, energy and resource.
When we value physical health, we spend time and money on healthy matters, ie diet and exercise.
When we value not being unhealthy, we spend time and money on worrying about not getting sick.

We can focus on the possibility of not having what we say we want.
We can focus on gratitude for having what we say we want.
We can worry about what might be or appreciate for what already is.
What if bad stuff happens  or celebrating the good stuff that is happening.

The mind leads us until we take charge of how we use our mind.
Our thoughts seem out of our control until we direct our thoughts.
Our money seems out of our hands until we budget our money the way we prefer.
Our energy and time seem to be taken up by needs rather than utilizing our time our way.

People often live as though they are victims of their circumstances.
People often go along with society to fit in and belong.
People often see no other way than to live others’ way.
We then succumb to the values of others and lose our way.

To value well being, affirm and celebrate your high level wellness everyday.
To value prosperity, affirm and appreciate how what you have is exactly what you desire.
To value relationships, affirm and be grateful for the beautiful harmonious relationships you have.
To value yourself, affirm and thank yourself daily for the good life you have given yourself.

When we value our lives, we live with gratitude.
When we value our well-being, we appreciate how healthy and happy we are.
When we value our resources, we use what we have with wisdom and respect.
When we value our relationships, we encourage them with our honest, open and happy connection.

Life encourages us to value what we really value.
Where we place our attention, time and resources, we create more.
To focus on disease, despair, disappointment and difficult, we see, feel and experience more.
It is difficult to see how to change our mind in the middle of our negative distraction.

Our mind is the tool we need to choose to change in order to have the life we really value.
Our mind is often distracted and even derailed by what we see and judge to be real.
Our thought and emotions often feel like they are unchangeable.
However there is nothing more important than to be master of our thoughts and emotions.

Be courageous, consistent and committed to what you really value.
This is your life to choose and value.
Appreciating how willing we are to choose again.
Betty Lue

Helpful Values Prioritization Process:

This is a simple way to see how you are living your values.
Values are what you spend time, energy and money on.
Consider also what you think about the most.
Most people are not living their values.
When not living in alignment with your values, you will experience unhappiness and Inner conflict.

CURRENT      IDEAL        

    ____            ____            MONEY
    ____            ____            RECOGNITION
    ____            ____            STATUS
    ____            ____            PERFECTION
    ____            ____            FAMILY
    ____            ____            GOD / SPIRIT
    ____            ____            HAPPINESS
    ____            ____            FUN
    ____            ____            PLEASURE
    ____            ____            APPROVAL
    ____            ____            SELF-IMAGE
    ____            ____            HARMONY
    ____            ____            CLEANLINESS
    ____            ____            SIMPLICITY
    ____            ____            DIVINE OBEDIENCE
    ____            ____            RELATIONSHIP
    ____            ____            SECURITY
    ____            ____            ACQUISITION
    ____            ____            ACCOMPLISHMENT
    ____            ____            PRODUCTIVITY
    ____            ____            TRAVEL
    ____            ____            VACATION
    ____            ____            OLD AGE SECURITY
    ____            ____            RETIREMENT
    ____            ____            BEAUTY / ORDER
    ____            ____            SERVICE
    ____            ____            CHURCH
    ____            ____            ENVIRONMENT
    ____            ____            DEVOTION
    ____            ____            LEARNING
    ____            ____            CONTRIBUTION
    ____            ____            CREATIVITY
    ____            ____            SUFFERING
    ____            ____            POVERTY
    ____            ____            HUMILITY
    ____            ____            BEING RIGHT
    ____            ____            BEING WORSHIPPED
    ____            ____            HEALING
    ____            ____            COMMUNICATION
    ____            ____            WINNING
    ____            ____            INDEPENDENCE
    ____            ____            PEACE OF GOD
    ____            ____            CONTROL
    ____            ____            MASTERY
    ____            ____            PHYSICAL HEALTH
    ____            ____            ENLIGHTENMENT
    ____            ____            BEING KNOWN
    ____            ____            TRUST
    ____            ____            COURAGE
    ____            ____            FAITH
    ____            ____            SUCCESS
    ____            ____            QUIET
    ____            ____            FINAN INDEPEN.
    ____            ____            VALIDATION
    ____            ____            TEACHING
    ____            ____            LEARNING
    ____            ____            TRUTH / HONESTY
    ____            ____            INTEGRITY
    ____            ____            BEING PRESENT
    ____            ____            LISTENING
    ____            ____            LOVING
    ____            ____            SPIRITUAL FAMILY
    ____            ____            GRATITUDE
    ____            ____            UNDERSTANDING
    ____            ____            RULES / LAWS
    ____            ____            SPIRIT ON EARTH
    ____            ____            FIGURING OUT
    ____            ____            COMMUNITY
    ____            ____            BEING ON PURPOSE
    ____            ____            RIGHTEOUSNESS
    ____            ____            JOINING
    ____            ____            SOLITUDE
    ____            ____            FREEDOM
    ____            ____            COOPERATION
    ____            ____            BALANCE
    ____             ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    ____            ____            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _