My thoughts and works, conscious and unconscious create my experience.
I am willing to easily undo everything I do not want.
I choose to think and speak consciously to create what I truly want.
I am willing and able to respond to my self and my life with love.
Be Responsible
for Your Life.
willing and able to respond to all things with what you desire.
If you want Love,
respond to all things with Love.
If you want anger,
respond to all things with judgment.
If you want
confused, respond with inner conflict and confusion.
If you
want joy, respond to everything with joy.
If you want
prosperity, respond to everything with generosity.
If you want health,
respond to everything with healthy thoughts and feelings.
Whatever you want,
you will experience when you are response-able.
We are
in charge of our lives.
We may not have
realized that we are affecting everything with our thoughts and feelings and
We may not have
understood that with an inner change, we experience outer results.
We may
not have even been aware of how we are thinking, feeling and acting.
folks still believe that they cannot control their thoughts and feelings.
Many have learned to
express everything they think and feel.
Many have been shown
that it is perfectly safe to behave however they want.
Many have never
understood that what you want may not even be what you say you want.
It is
time to be in charge of our lives.
It is time to take
charge of our thinking and imagining.
It is important to
be responsible for every word we say.
It is essential that
we be responsible for what we do in secret, too!!
lives depend literally on what we think and say and do.
responsibility means we pay attention and undo everything we do not intend.
Taking responsibility
asks us to unlearn what is unhealthy and untrue.
We are leading the
way in our home and workplace, and in our world.
are you imagining and talking about?
How do you act in
public and in private?
Are you living a
lie with secrets you carry?
Are you doing
your part to bring healing and happiness to yourself and others?
you teaching love or fear?
Are you talking
about what is wrong or what is right and good?
Are you hiding
your bad habits, thinking they don’t matter?
Are you a truth
teller or a hypocrite?
ask ourselves: Are we are giving a mixed message?
Are we being our
best with some and not with others?
Are we respect
and kind to others but not with ourselves?
Are we living and
giving the very best we can?
It is
time to step up and take charge.
Our confidence grows
as we live in integrity with our highest values.
Our health and
happiness increase when we are living true to what is best for us?
We can be
responsible for ourselves in everything we think and do and say.
Let us
begin today.
Loving us all as we
make the choice to be responsible.
Betty Lue
Twelve Daily Steps To Optimistic Living
1. Focus on my successes rather than on my failures.
2. Notice that which I have accomplished rather than that which I’ve left
3. See and acknowledge my beauty rather than focusing on my imperfections.
4. Notice and acknowledge all the times I’ve followed the optimum
conditions, rather than judging myself for the times I have not.
5. Acknowledge all my wins each and every day.
6. Create and maintain an environment that nurtures me.
7. See problems as opportunities to learn from rather than as
obstacles to avoid.
8. Tell the whole truth on a moment to moment basis in order to
maintain impeccable and loving relationships.
9. Be conscious every moment to put positive thoughts into my mind rather
than negative, knowing all thoughts are creative.
10. Appreciate my feelings as a means of understanding myself, thus
directing and creating my reality.
11. Continue to forgive myself and others as a means of creating a state of
12. Fill my life with joy and ecstasy by practicing daily the art and skill
of verbally expressing my gratitude for all that I have.