The only mistake I every make is when I forget to Love.
My judgments mean nothing.
I make up what I believe is right and wrong.
I forgive my limited beliefs and faulty thinking.
Judgment Hurts
Whether you are judging or being judged, it hurts everyone.
interferes with loving, trusting and freedom.
distracts both the judge and the judged from living on purpose.
confuses and clouds mental clarity and physical well-being.
Be aware of how judgment affects you and others.
attention to how it shuts down communication.
are judging, you will feel judged.
you are being judged, you will tend to defend or judge in return.
Judgment comes from fear.
we are afraid of something or someone, we tend to judge.
is learned and habitual.
are often taught to judge to protect ourselves from being criticized.
Judgment comes from our inner critic.
we feeling afraid, inadequate, guilty or ignorant, we tend to judge.
we cannot tolerate or accept differences, we tend to criticize and judge.
we do not know or understand, we tend to be confused, afraid and judge.
Judgment is the strongest element of ego or personality.
we judge one another, we limit our understanding.
we judge one another, we block our love, respect and acceptance.
we judge one another, we tend to restrict our ability to connect, work together
and feel safe.
Judging creates separation.
creates feelings of danger.
blocks ability to trust and feel free.
creates disharmony, stress and disconnection.
The easiest clearing of judgment is through forgiveness here and
can be erased and deleted by simply forgiving ourselves.
forgive myself for judging what I do not know.
release the limiting belief that I know what is right and wrong.
When we recognize our judgment means nothing, we can eradicate
the power of judging.
can never see all aspects of what we are judging.
are incapable of “judging” based on what we think we know.
judgment means nothing.”
Let us let go of thinking we can judge anyone and learn to love,
respect and accept instead.
heal with forgiveness.
learn from being accepted as we are.
can more easily grow when we are loved, trusted and given freedom.
Forgiving all my judgments and remembering to Love,
Betty Lue
Healing Our Projections => Seeing Only Wholeness
1. We perceive what we believe.
2. We believe what we think we are.
3. If I believe I am my past, then I believe you are
your past.
4. Believing in my past is to see and live it over
again in all I see and do and am.
5. Believing in your past is to remember it and
continue to blame you for it.
6. The more I feel guilty about my past, the more I place
blame on you.
7. All anger is my guilt projected onto others.
8. To forgive my past is to release it.
9. To release is to see it no more.
10.As I release my past, I release others from my projected guilt
and self-judgment.
11. As I see myself whole, I see wholeness in others.
12 .As I heal my guilt about past mistakes, I heal my fear of the
13. To be in the present is to heal (erase) the past.
14. As I live in the present and love myself as I am now, I like
you in the present and see you as you are now.
15. In this present moment, there is only Love for ourselves, each
other and all that is.