live my life with Love leading the way.
love myself as I am and what I am here to be and say.
honor my truth and live in integrity.
Am learning who I am and appreciating what I learn.
you feel teaches you something.
How you feel leads
you to feel better.
How you feel can
guide us to do better.
Feelings come from
your thinking, beliefs, words and behavior.
we think positive thoughts, we experience good feelings.
When we think
negative thoughts, we experience bad feelings.
When we believe in
bad stuff happening, we experience fear.
When we believe in
good stuff happening, we experience happy anticipation.
When we
speak negative, scary, hurtful words, we feel worse.
When we speak
positive, happy and helpful words, we feel better.
When we act out with
anger, hurt, resentment, we lose energy.
When we behave with
forgiveness, comfort and gratitude, we improve our energy.
In a
very real way, we are choosing how we want to feel.
In practical obvious
ways, we can easily change our energy.
With forgiveness,
affirmations, choice and gratitude, we create how we want to feel.
With resentment,
negativity, victimization and criticism, we create our own bad feelings.
people believe that bad experiences just happen to them.
Most people buy into
believing they have no choice.
Many people just
take drugs or develop habits of “victimization”.
Learning to be in
charge of your thoughts and feelings changes lives.
can you learn to be true to the real you?
not follow what you feel as being real.
and practice the feelings you want to have.
choose to live and feel what you want.
It is
a bad habit to let your mind and emotions be in charge of your life.
It is a mistake to
believe you have no choice in what you think and feel.
It teaches you
helplessness and hopelessness to let your mind and body be in charge.
You are in charge of
your thoughts and feeling, words and behavior.
If you
have learned to trust only your body, your mind and your emotions, you are
There is a place in
you as you that is Whole and Good and Loving.
When you align with
what is really YOU, you begin to eradicate what is not Whole and Good and Love.
You can reclaim your
power and your authentic Self when you practice clearing what isn’t really you.
is more than what you feel.
There is more than
what you see and hear.
There is more than what
the world teaches and shows you.
There is a deeper
part of you that can begin to create what you are here to be and do and have
and share.
listening deeply.
is this feeling teaching me?
can I learn from this experience?
Who is
in charge here?
How do
I clear what I fear?
How do
I live what is good and right and true for me?
can I see and hear what I need to know?
can I lead myself to what I am here to learn?
where your thoughts, feelings and actions are taking you.
Make sure it is
where you want to go and how you want to feel.
You, the authentic
You can choose to change.
Live being true to
Honoring You,