I free myself to be All I Am here to be.
I let go of attachment to the comfort of staying too
I know when it is time to joyfully create a new life for
I inspire myself daily to trust the truth of my inner
Are You in the Right Place?
Have you stayed too long?
Are you
Have you
taught and learned what you came for?
Are you
ready to move on?
Whether in a job, locale, relationship or life itself, we
need to move on when time to go.
When we are
finished, it is time to gently gratefully and respectfully let go.
When we no
longer feel of value, it is time to value ourselves and create new
When we
have new vision and inspiration, it is time to explore new venues.
When we stay too long, we may feel stuck and stagnant.
When we
cling to the past, we may feel attachment and fear.
When we are
trying to please others, we may feel resentful and guilt.
When we are
afraid to let go, we may complain and criticize.
Life is always moving, growing, expanding and expressing.
these key elements of life, there may be stagnancy, boredom and
of our own needs often turns into resentment towards others.
to trust and free ourselves may lead to disease and depression.
When we recognize the signs of resistance , we begin to
let go in the flow.
When we
realize everything is always changing, transforming, we release attachments.
When we
trust in the freedom and flow of imagination within, we allow ourselves to move
When we
feel secure in our inner knowing and self love, we relinquish all guilt and
Is this your time to renew your life?
Is this
time to leave your job that no longer fulfills you?
Is this
time to let go of relationships that deplete you?
Is this
time to undo your attachments based on fear and free yourself to fully be yourself?
If you feel angry and resentful, this may be a sign it is
time to move on.
If you feel
sad and disappointed, this may be a sign to choose a place of joy and divine
If you feel
lonely and isolated, this may be a signal you are complete with the ones you
are with.
If you feel
tired and depressed, this may be a sign you have stayed to long and shut down.
Consider what being in your right place would look, sound
and feel like for you.
what you really want and allow yourself to want it with all your heart.
imagining the feeling, energy, experiences waiting for you.
freeing yourself and trusting yourself to create and experience what you
“Tis a gift to be simple.
Tis a gift to be free.
Tis a give to come round
To where we ought to be.
And when we find ourselves,
In a place just right,
It will be in the Valley
Of Love and Delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend,
We shall not be ashamed
To turn and turn it will be our delight,
Till by turning and turning
We come 'round right.”
If it is time to go, leave and discover.
If it is
time to express, speak gently your inner truth.
If it is
time to experiment, explore something new.
If it is
time to find the Real You, be alone with yourself until you know what is true.
Life is our gift to heal and grow, learn and know.
Love offers
freedom and trust.
Receive the
gifts of living true to Loving You.
Loving you,
Betty Lue