I am glad to be alive, right where I am.
I am always in the right place doing the right thing for the right reasons.
I am so grateful for the Good Life I have.
Life is good and getting better.
Is An Inside Job!
is our natural state.
When we are not
happy, something has gone wrong.
We can use our level
of happiness to discern when we are off track.
We discover that
being happy, peaceful and content shows us the way to live.
happiness does not come from drugs, a person or place, but from freeing
This happiness is
easily experienced when we feel safe, whole, and alive with natural energy.
True happiness flows
naturally within our relationships, home and work place.
We can feel it and
see it in our face, our attitude and our carefree enjoyment of life.
know when unhappy that we have forgotten, neglected and not noticed what is
true for us.
Often times
unhappiness comes with negative, limiting thoughts about ourselves or others.
Sometimes we lose
our happiness by taking care of others happiness before our own.
Often we get caught
in following worldly ways of being happy and neglect what is simply and
are challenged by busyness and lose a sense of our own right way.
We may forget or
neglect to take care of our whole life first.
We may allow others
judgments and criticism to distract or detour us.
We may even feel
guilt and forsake ourselves to try to make others happy.
unhappy habits need to be erased and forgiven.
Mistaken choices and
behaviors need to be released.
relationships, lifestyle choices and fear-based attitudes need to be changed.
We may need clear
our past and choose again for the future we want.
we settle for unhappiness, it may get worse to get our attention.
If we deny our own
right to be happy, we may blame and envy others.
If we are afraid to
be happy, we may sabotage our happiness.
If we don’t remember
how to be happy, we may need to explore to discover our true way.
must have the courage to make the best choices for ourselves.
WE must not allow
others to tell us what to do.
We must be aware
that quick fixes or easy substitutes will deceive us.
We must stay awake
to the natural changes within and without.
constantly offers us the opportunity to choose again.
When we fear making
mistakes due to our self judgments, we must forgive.
We can learn from
every choice, right or wrong, what it is we really want to be, do and have.
We are blessed with
the freedom to forgive and choose again and again and again.
time daily consciously choosing to be happy.
When unhappy, use
that experience as a time to choose again.
When you need to
reframe your thoughts or change your attitude, consult with your inner Self.
When you choose what
is good for you, remember your happiness inspires and helps others.
you love yourself enough, you will always choose to be happy.
I am inspired daily
by being happy.
Loving you,
Twelve Daily Steps To Optimistic Living
1. Focus on my successes rather than on my failures.
2. Notice that which I have accomplished rather than that which I’ve left
3. See and acknowledge my beauty rather than focusing on my imperfections.
4. Notice and acknowledge all the times I’ve followed the optimum
conditions,rather than judging myself for the times I have not.
5. Acknowledge all my wins each and every day.
6. Create and maintain an environment that nurtures me.
7. See problems as opportunities to learn from rather than as
obstacles to avoid.
8. Tell the whole truth on a moment to moment basis in order to
maintain impeccable and loving relationships.
9. Be conscious every moment to put positive thoughts into my mind rather
than negative, knowing all thoughts are creative.
10. Appreciate my feelings as a means of understanding myself, thus
directing and creating my reality.
11. Continue to forgive myself and others as a means of creating a state of
12. Fill my life with joy and ecstasy by practicing daily the art and skill
of verbally expressing my gratitude for all that I have.