Affirmations: Use them freely by writing and
speaking 20 + times daily!
I am created in love by love for the purpose of loving.
I find only peace and happiness in choosing for Love.
Life works perfectly when I listen and follow inner guidance.
I respect the choices I make for they lead me always to Love.
of Humanity
is a part of our human family.
We can choose who we
We can choose who we
We can choose how we
prefer to include everyone.
I choose to help
those within my awareness and ability.
I create a lifestyle
that expands my availability.
I choose an
environment that is healing and fulfilling.
I trust
all those who come together are meant to be together.
We come together for
healing and learning, for creating and enjoying.
We are here to
support and encourage one another.
We are part of the
healing of humanity with our love for one another.
I love, I sustain that Love without conditions.
When I trust, I
trust everyone to do their best at the time.
When I allow, I free
everyone to be and do and have as they choose.
When I love, trust
and free, I include myself in my unconditional love.
love humanity without conditions is to trust that there is a power and presence
within us all.
To love my family is
to allow each one to be have the learning and loving experience of their
To love myself is to
forgive my misunderstanding and correct my mistakes with healing and learning.
What I offer myself
I offer to others, no matter what the circumstance.
my willingness to participate in the family of humanity, I find peace in no
In my love for the
family of humanity, I find joy in learning and accepting everyone.
In my trust for the
highest outcome, I let go and believe in the essential Good within us all.
In my openness and
appreciation of who we are together, I continue to shine the Light and share
the Love.
I don’t like the human condition, I choose to learn and educate.
When I don’t
understand the choices people make, I choose to listen and share when asked.
When I am confused
or conflicted by human behavior, I choose to investigate to understand.
When I feel upset,
hurt or saddened by what others seem to do, I simply go to Higher Power for
the human condition calls me to find my path and purpose and live it daily.
Often the state of
our society is demanding that I give All for the greatest good.
Often the calling of
my heart is to share Loving Reminders for all of us to find peace.
Often my real work
is to lay my grievances aside and listen within to the voice of Love.
is a mystery.
I have volunteered
to be here and now.
I am open and
willing to learn and share.
I choose to care and
give All I AM and have and do to remain loving YOU.
Betty Lue
A Time Of Transformation
The Piscean Age
Piscean Age was a time filled with victimization consciousness, a time of being
at the effect of outer authority, learning to accept the way it was, expressing
no preferences, being docile, submissive and humbly suffering in silence,
self-martyrdom, giving all for the sake of others, believing that to have less
was holy, and allowing the concept of God to be one in which we suffer, pay for
our sinfulness and serve others to make penance.
age past: Have less, suffer more, ask for nothing, wait for heaven.
The age of atonement for sins, crucifixion, suffering and sacrifice in order to
reap the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven after death.
The Aquarian Age
coming Aquarian Age is a time where all will know they are “at cause” in their
domain, co-creators with Divine Will, manifesting only that which is good,
beautiful and holy. All mankind will awaken to their Inner Authority, the
Voice of Divine Consciousness and will follow only that which is for the
greatest Good. Happiness, harmony and health will reign as each
individual recognizes and expresses their full potential and reaps the
abundance of their natural heritage. It will be a time of no guilt, no
fear, of choosing what is valuable, expressing the Truth, giving with joy,
having everything we want, and of praising God for the perfection of His
creation where all live in Love and Peace and Joy: Heaven on Earth NOW.
Transition Period
in-between time is a period of testing and sorting through. Man is
awakening to his divinity, to his inherited right and capacity for
choice. As man awakens, great surges of guilt and fear of punishment will
flow through humankind calling for forgiveness and light-filled blessing.
As man chooses to see his mis-creations without guilt, he will acknowledge the
learning value, the needed undoing, and open to the opportunity to choose again
for his Highest Vision. Praise God. We are learning to judge
nothing, to wholly love and honor ourselves, to give ourselves the highest we
by Betty Lue 1983 and it still applies today.