My home is my sanctuary and a place of peace.
I love my home and it loves me.
My home is orderly, clean and harmonious.
I create a home which totally loves and inspires me. ( wherever I Am)
Have you noticed that coming home feels good?
Have you
experienced being away gives a new perspective?
Have you imagined
your own home coming?
Have you noticed
how some want to go away and some want to come home?
home is a safe and loving space, home is where we want to be.
When home is unsafe,
critical and difficult, we want to stay away from home?
Humans naturally
want what feels safe and healthy and peaceful.
Both adults and
children, male and female, want home to be a happy place.
Is your home happy?
Do you feel safe
at home?
Do you wish
relationships that are loving and kind?
Do you feel
appreciated at home?
make their own safe place, at home or work or out in nature.
Some find a happy
place in their own imagination.
Some choose to hide
in their rooms or in video and books.
Some simply spend as
much time as they can away from home.
and animals seek shelter from the storms in life.
If relationships are
stormy, people run for cover and prepare to weather the storm.
If homes are dirty,
chaotic, unsafe, people tend to be unhappy and unhealthy.
our nesting and resting place feels healing, positive and life-affirming, we
like to be at home.
yourself how you feel about your home, your room, your relationships, your
If you are content
and feel peace and inspired, you seek more of the experience.
If you are upset,
distressed and depressed, you may want to leave or hide from the experiences.
It is healthy to
notice and then choose what you want to do to have home be best for you.
home we live in affects is physically, mentally and emotionally.
When the home is in
disarray, we may not be able to think or work well.
When our
relationships are upsetting, critical or unhappy, we may get sick, angry or
our lives fit with our human needs for safety, security and belonging, we can
achieve more easily.
a look around you and listen to what you hear.
If your home
environment can be better for you, make it so.
If you relationships
can be more supportive, make it so.
If you attitude and
responses can be safer, make it so.
can be the difference in your own life.
Choose what
supports, inspires and encourages the best you!
I seek only to
support, inspire and encourage the Best You!
Betty Lue