Thursday, January 29, 2015

Give, and Receive What You Give!

I listen to what I say and receive it for myself.
Life is for giving and I Am the Gift.
As I give myself, I recognize the give I AM.
When I see and hear myself with others, I respect who I am.

Give what is in your heart to give.
Do what brings you joy to enjoy.
Love who you are called to love.
Be what you really want to be.

When you are living your life in alignment with You, You are giving and receiving.
When you are saying what is yours to speak and hear, you are giving and receiving .
When you are teaching and learning what you teach, you are giving and receiving.
When you are loving the ways you are called to love, you are giving and receiving.

You cannot give true gifts without receiving the gifts you give.
Every thought, word and deed is meant for giver and receiver.
When we do not listen to the words we say, we are not true.
When we do not receive the gifts we give, we are not honoring our gifts.

Everything we do, we do for ourselves.
Everything we say, we speak to be able to hear.
Everything we contribute is a blessing and tribute for us.
We are here to receive all that we think and say and do.

Life naturally is a gift to ourselves.
Love is naturally a gift to the one we are.
Joy is the expression of gratitude for us.
Peace is the condition in which we fully know ourselves.

Receive all you give.
Enjoy the life we share.
Undo what is not right for you
Believe in You, as you Live your Life.

It is natural to give.
It is natural to love.
It is natural to be happy.
It is natural to have peace.

When we do not know what is natural, we have chosen to step away from our true self.
Life is meant to be our constant loving reminders.
Relationships are meant to show us our own thoughts and behavior.
Our holy and healing work is to remember what is natural and true.

Give yourself each moment to awaken and remember.
The time is now.
This is your time.
Love Only Love….You,
Betty Lue

The Gift You Are

You are the gift.
In your healing, I am healed.
In your smiling, I find joy.
In your learning, I am filled with wisdom.
In your free expressions, I am empowered.
In your abundance, I too prosper.
In your spontaneity, I am set free.
In your joy, I know heaven.

And so it is that you give your Self to me
And I receive you with love and gratitude.
I am the gift I give to You
And I fully receive the gift I freely give.

As I know You, I know my Self.
As I give to you, I receive all good.
As I support you, I am supported by the Universe.
As I honor and respect you, I experience gratitude in all my being.
As I love you, I am loving all of God's creation.

I know you and believe in you.
I honor, respect and support you in being.
In you and me is all the Universe.
We are gifts to one another.

       - Betty Lue