Life is what it is.
I no longer take life personally.
I free myself to simply be myself.
Life works because I relinquish all judgment and attack.
Your computer
is down?
Your bank account
is overdrawn?
Someone stops
talking to you?
You don’t have a
turkey for Thanksgiving?
What do you do
when you don’t know where to go for help?
What do you do
when you can’t fix a problem?
What do you do
when your care doesn’t work?
What do you do
when someone acts like a jerk?
How do you
react or respond to problems?
Do you judge or
get creative?
Do you feel hurt
and victimized or pay attention?
How you
personalize life determines your reaction or response.
Emotions come
from our thoughts.
Thoughts can be
analytical, theoretical or purely subjective.
When we take
everything personally, it is likely we will be hurt or offended.
When we feel hurt or
offended by something someone said or did, we will feel defensive.
Once we feel
hurt, offended and defensive, we are caught either fleeing or attacking.
Neither position is
effective or helpful.
Consider waiting
until the initial self protective reaction abates.
Then ask yourself “What
can I do?” And “What will be helpful?”
Once we begin
thinking in a logical or practical way, we recognize we are not stuck.
The freedom that
comes from observation and opening our thoughts begets creativity.
The creative mind is
seeking ways to feel better and have a more effective response.
The willing mind
will clear the emotions and look at what is real in present time.
Objective thinking
sees what is with actual observable information.
The subjective minds
views life experiences as always belonging to itself.
What did I do
to create this?
Why did this
happen to me?
The mind makes up
excuses and justification for everything, either to blame or feel guilt.
Our blaming usually
conjures being afraid, defensive and blamed in return.
Our guilty thinking
makes up feel sorry, embarrassed and wrong and withdraws.
We have the ability
to undo guilt and blame, simple by choosing again.
To forgive is to
relinquish all attack on ourselves and others.
To forgive is to
erase all justification, excuses and defenses.
To forgive is to see
what is and let go of taking it personally.
To forgive is to
trust and free ourselves and others to learn, laugh and let go.
When we are open
and willing to learn, we laugh more.
When we are open and
willing to let go, we trust more.
When we are open and
willing to love, we feel free more.
When we are open and
willing to allow, we enjoy life more.
Life is filled
with learning opportunities
Learning to let go
with laughter allows us to Love.
And so it is I am
Loving YOU,
Betty Lue