Affirmations: (Be willing to say aloud and write any one of
these 20 times for 14 days and see the benefit!!)
I keep my affairs in order and my life works.
I keep my mind clean and sober and my life works.
I keep my home, work and relationships organized and everything words.
Everything works together for Good.
Is your house
in order?
Are you ready to
receive guests?
Are your
relationships in order
Are you ready and
willing to respond to requests for help?
Is your whole
life in order?
Very few people seem
to keep themselves together on a daily basis.
They seem to leave
things for others to do, or procrastinate or just don’t care.
Leftovers for loved
ones are often found with those who have neglected themselves for a lifetime.
Do you finish
what you start?
Do you give
directions to those who may need to follow after you?
Do you take the time
to do the dishes and make your bed?
Are you committed to
pay you bills and completing legal matters on time.
Children learn
from and with their parents.
When parents are
lackadaisical, children learn.
When parent are
rushed and last minute, others follow their example.
When adults are
forgetful and neglectful, children learn to do the same.
The benefits of
an orderly life are it takes considerably less time and effort to function.
When home and work
space and activities are kept in order, it is easier and faster to complete
When life is simple,
scheduled and organized, there is more ease in flow and letting go.
Life can be fun,
safe and easy when we keep ourselves, our relationships and things clean and
Complexity and
mess create distress.
Simplicity and order
create ease and flow.
When the primary
parent, leader or partner create enjoyable cleaning and organizing, everyone
When the primary
enforcer creates distress and hurt through negative threats and blame, there is
Everyone in a
family can take responsibility for doing their part.
One person in an
organization can create respectful collaboration to clean and clear the way for
Each one of us can
do our part which what we have, what we do, how we relate and what we think.
We can take responsibility
for the bed we lay in and for everything we think, say and do.
is next to Godliness.”
Keeping thoughts,
words and deeds clean is of primary importance for those who are role models.
Choosing to live in
an extraordinary way sets the tone for everything we accomplish.
“Clean and sober”
living means that we are fully conscious and totally responsible at all times.
When we are totally
respectful, responsible and in harmony with the world around us, we are
Love the ease in
which we live with ordered lives,
Betty Lue