I prefer being happy and loving.
I choose the thoughts I think and the feelings I prefer.
I live my life honoring my preferences.
My mind and emotions honor the intentions I have.
Are feelings
Are we supposed
to feel them?
Are we stuck with
our feelings?
Can we believe
our feelings?
Feelings are
wakeup calls,
Feelings tell us
what has gone wrong for us or right for us.
Feelings are not to
be used to victimize or render us helpless.
Feelings are a call
to take full response ability and choose something better to think, safe and
How do you use
your feelings?
If you see them as a
guide, you may listen to them and believe them to be correct.
If you see them as a
tool, you may rely on them to make others sad, mad or glad.
If you see them as
your Truth, you may believe they are your Source and decision maker.
Some make
feelings their Highest True and the Source from which all things come.
If you feel it is
Good for you, you embrace it as good no matter what you rational thinking tells
Some make feelings
the path that guided their way, choices, behaviors, words and all.
If you feel that
feelings “rule” you may express them freely without concern for the impact on
Some see feelings
as temporary.
Some feel feelings
to acknowledge their inner child.
Some believe
feelings come from thoughts, both conscious and unconscious.
Some make up
feelings are natural instinctual impulses which keep them safe.
You may want to
experiment with thoughts and feelings to see how they work.
You may choose to
explore consciously thinking negative and hurtful thoughts and see how you
You may want to try
consciously thinking positive , helpful, loving thoughts and see how you feel.
You can easily
change low to high, dark to light, difficult to easy with a change of mind.
It takes practice
to manage your feelings.
They have a “mind”
of their own.
Just as it takes
practice to train your thinking, it take consistency to change your emotional
Everyone can be in
charge of their thoughts and feeling when they so choose.
Many would rather
not have to do anything to change their lives.
Quick fixes may work
temporarily, but transforming ones energy and emotional patters takes
When you really want
to make a difference in your own life, begin with the work for changing your
Forgiveness (a
mental eraser with Love) and affirmations (clearing limiting thoughts patterns)
When you need
help, track your thoughts by writing them down.
1. The real reason I feel upset ( Unhappy, angry, afraid, etc) is:
2. Write down all the thoughts that come up for
you, until you have cleared your archived excuses.
3. Notice which ones are still believed and cross
off the rest.
4. Keep doing this work until you find what is
left to delete, transform, affirm and make changes.
You are totally
at choice with the life you choose and the feelings you have, depending on the
thoughts you think and what you believe.
Change your mind and
you change your feelings.
Change your feelings
and you change your life.
Love yourself well
Betty Lue.
good comes from acting when angry or upset.
When upset or
angry about anything.
Calm yourself before
you act or speak.
• Breathe deeply, fully and freely.
• Step away.
• Leave the situation until you are calm.
good comes from acting when angry or upset.
This is a life
lesson in learning to wait until your inner emotional storm has passed.
Only when you are calm
and clear can you make effective decisions.