Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Healing Encounters

I choose to love, trust and free myself and others.
I commit to love no matter what.
I know what I give to others, I receive myself.
I am happy and peaceful when I remember to Love.

Every relationship is a holy (healing) encounter.
Whether we meet by chance or by choice, every relationship has a healing purpose.
All healing comes from clearing the illusion, external learned and imaginary stuff.
All holiness is see with forgiving eyes, perceiving the wholeness within.

My mission statement.
I am the space of freedom and trust where love is remembered and wholeness is restored.
Wholeness is healing and perceiving the holiness within all things and every encounter.

Life is a choice of seeing what is real beneath the appearance or seeing the temporary cover-up.
Beneath anger, there is fear and the need for Safety.
Beneath the fear, there is always the call for Love.
Beneath the craziness, there is sanity.
Beneath the weakness, there is strength.
Beneath the loneliness, there is unity.
Beneath the lack, there is abundance.
Beneath the sorrow, there is joy.
Beneath what humanity experiences, there is a spiritual gift.

Yes, we all can forgive, erase and undo everything that is not wholly true and loving.
Yes, we can perceive the call for Love, freedom and trust beneath the apparent emotional reaction.
Yes, we can remember that all reactivity and attack comes from feeling unsafe and unloved.
Yes, we can give to what is lacking and forgive what is false and see things differently.

Life is the university or school to learn to love no matter what.
The sooner we learn to love, the faster we experience only love.
When we are here remembering to love unconditionally we are happy and at peace.
When we recognize the need to forgive all judgments, we experience the freedom and trust to love.

Love only Love.
Give Love, freedom and trust no matter what.’
Share the best we have in each moment and forgive the rest.
Each holy and healing encounter has a singular purpose- to extend Peace and Love!

Is the world of unconditional Love possible?
Yes, it is possible to Love everyone and set them free to love themselves.
To condemn one is to condemn ourselves and teach others to condemn themselves.
To love each one is to love all aspects of ourselves and to teach others to love as well.

Relationships filled with healing, forgiving and loving thoughts are holy relationships.
Healing relationships are filled with letting go, learning, and loving no matter what.
Healing relationships create safety and peace for each to grow and learn and let go.
Healing relationships reveal what needs to be healed with forgiveness, acceptance and understanding.

Let every relationship be seen as a healing encounter.
Pay attention to love being given and the call for love being requested.
Give love when you receive Love and give love when you don’t receive Love.
Everyone needs to feel safe with you, so love no matter what you say or do.

Loving you as we heal together,
Betty Lue

Robert and I are on a Working Sabbatical in Kona, Hawaii.
We are available by email, phone or skype while here.

Currently planning our programs for 2015.
Creating more simplicity in organization for the centers.
Scheduling time for clients and workshops for all six centers.
Planning retreats, conferences, and vacation with grandkids.
Updating all websites for accuracy and effectiveness
Working on the new Reunion Family Center in Middletown.
Mentoring a new Coaching Certification Program
Writing my Loving Reminders daily.
Notes to contributors and grandkids.
On healthy retreat with swimming & walking daily plus raw veggies and fruit.
Some phone and email coaching and counseling as requested.

Back to the Bay Area on Sat. Nov. 1
Home to Hidden Valley Lake on Nov. 4.

If you want phone or Skype appointment while here, please email me.
If you want to schedule an in person appointment, let me know what days/times.

Hope you read today’s Loving Reminders!
Love always Love.
Betty Lue

How Do We Create and Get So Much Done?
We are Happy doing with no anxiety or pressure.
Fun, safe and easy is our way to do everything.
Lots of mini breaks for walking and relaxing with appreciation.
Silence most of the time and quality time simply enjoying.
We love, trust and free ourselves to do what is loving with Love.

How Can We Afford to Do what We Do?
We live simply and prioritize how we use our time, energy and money.
We contribute over 50% of our income to Reunion centers and services.
We use our United Credit Card for flights and stay in our time share.
We eat at home because we eat mostly raw vegan and we love to prepare our meals.
We offer services and centers and programs on a contribution basis, so all included.
We give to others as we would want to be given to, with everyone equally valued.

We work because we love to work, giving the very best we have for the Good of All.