Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I choose wisely for the Highest Good of all concerned.
I listen and trust the Guidance of Love within me.
I quickly forgive any mistakes I make and choose again with Gratitude.
I rely on forgiveness and appreciation to increase my inner wisdom to choose.

The list below will help you identify the choices you have everyday.

Spiritual and worldly, these are two different paths to travel.
Each one takes us on a very different journey.
One leads to inspiration and lasting happiness.
The other leads to multiple variations of duality and world ways.

Love and fear, Spirit and ego. (See Below)
Right and wrong.  Success and failure.
Together or separate.
Unconditional Love and special love.

The path we choose, determines the outcome we experience.
The choices we make, determine what we think and see, hear and know, say and do.
No one sees the same thing or makes the same choice.
Each one of us chooses, consciously or unconsciously, which path, purpose and promise we make.

Consider your options respectfully.
Be wise and willing to make your own choice.
Allow others to follow their own path and purpose.
The journey is individual and the goal is united.

Some take the high road and some the low road.
Some sink to conform and others rise to extraordinary heights.
Some step away from the crowd and see from a different perspective.
Some blend in to fit and belong and remain blinded by the mob.

When we have a choice, do we choose with our own wisdom or what is popular?
When we are seeking answers, do we go to a friend or authority or listen to our own conscience?
When we are confused by complexity, do we look for the simple basic truth we know?
When we cannot choose, do we wait patiently for the “right” way to be revealed to us?

I know the “right” path, because it brings peace to my mind.
I know I have chosen what is Good, because I have Joy in my heart.
I know I am on the correct track living my own purpose, because I am at home in myself.
When I continue to seek in confusion and frustration, I do not yet know what is mine to choose.

Sometimes we choose quickly and spontaneously, because we just “know”.
Sometimes we wait in quiet until we hear and feel what is our right choice.
Sometimes we ponder many options and alternatives, seeking what is Good for All.
Sometimes we simply allow the Light and Love of Goodness to show the way.

Life is a mystery and complexity of opportunities.
Every way holds a gift, a learning, an opportunity and a promise.
When we stay awake with our full attention, we learn from everyone and everything.
When we make a misstep or mistakes, we must simply forgive and choose again.

Love yourself well as you wakeup and learn.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

It is Your Choice!
EGO  (Human Personality)......................HOLY SPIRIT (Inner Spiritual Essence)
Separate from God................................... In communion with God
Everyone for himself ............................... We’re in this together
Guilt ...................................................... ..Guiltlessness
Crucifixion............................................... Resurrection
Penalties & punishment ...........................Salvation
Pain......................................................... Joy
Complexity.............................................. Simplicity
Fear.......................................................... Love
Bound .................................................... .Free
Unhappy.................................................. Happy
Rejects atonement...................................Accepts At-One-ment
Conflict................................................... Peace
Harm ...................................................... Harmlessness
Makes own decisions for self ..................Decides with God for Highest Good
Defensiveness.......................................... Defenselessness
Suspicion................................................ .Trust
Control .................................................... Allowance
Blame....................................................... Responsibility
Victim..................................................... ..Sovereign
Judgment................................................ ..Forgiveness
Broken...................................................... Whole
Sinner...................................................... ..Sinless
Worldly .................................................. ..Spiritual
Believes world can offer what is wanted . Knows only Spirit offers what is needed
Led by fear.............................................. ..Led by Joy
Painful learning........................................ Happy learning
At effect.................................................. ..At choice
Believes in a punishing God......................Believes in a loving God
Strives to be right..................................... Chooses to be happy
What we see is True................................. Beliefs create perception
Body and emotions lead............................Follow the Inner Call
Our function follows form........................ Form follows function
Always translate freely those words which are not a part of your belief system.


What can you do to heal the fear in yourself, in your community and in the world?

Fear contracts.                        Love expands.

Fear withholds.                       Love shares.

Fear defends.                          Love is open.

Fear judges.                            Love appreciates.

Fear condemns.                      Love forgives.

Fear separates.                        Love joins.

Fear acts out.                          Love responds.

Fear withdraws.                      Love reaches out.

Fear shuts down.                    Love opens up.

Fear argues.                            Love listens.                  

Fear excludes.                         Love includes.

Fear worries.                          Love blesses.

Fear justifies.                          Love trusts.          

Fear is stingy.                         Love is generous.

Fear is pushy.                         Love is patient.      

Fear can be cruel.                    Love is kind.         

Fear is suspicious.                   Love trusts.

Fear demands.                        Love guides.         

Fear cowers.                            Love is courageous.

Fear takes care of  its own.      Love is helpful to all.

Fear distorts our thinking.        Love sees clearly.  

Fear speaks of wrongs.            Love speaks of value.

Often fear makes us sick at heart and sick in body.

Often fear shuts down our ability to think, feel and act for Good.

Often fear limits our healthy appropriate responses.

Each of us is called to manage, forgive, heal and release the fear in our lives.

What can you do to handle your fear and to help others with theirs?