love with my affirming words and full appreciation.
love with my respectful touch and affection.
love with my acts of service and doing what is good foryou.
love with my focused attention and quality time with you.
love with remembering you with notes and gifts, loving reminders.
How do you
know you are loved?
What does it feel
like to be loved?
How can you tell
you are loved?
Who do you feel
loves you unconditionally?
If you want the
information from Gary Chapman, author of the book, go to online.
If you want to
discover your own love language, notice what you usually give to those you
Most of the time, we
love others as we want to be loved.
To discover your
love language and others, too, simply notice what we give to others.
Usually what we
give is what we want to receive, because it feels most truly loving to us.
What feels really
loving to you?
What offers you
the certainty you are loved?
What gives you
the sense that someone truly cares for you?
Tony Robbins used
an exercise of returning in a visualization to the one you knew loved you most.
When you can
remember that feeling of being unconditionally loved, notice how it was shown.
My mother made my
special cookies and put flowers on the table.
She would have
cinnamon toast and tea for us on a rainy day after school.
Sometimes there
is a special tone in the loved ones voice when they say “I love you.”
Or perhaps a special
way of holding us in a hug or snuggling at night or just stroking our cheek?
One granddaughter
remember every gift and every giver, because it is love for her.
Each one of us is
unique and different in how we feel and receive love.
Time to pay
attention to how we like to be loved.
Time to share with
the people who seek to love us.
Time to attend to
what they want to feel loved.
Time to pay
attention to what and how they respond.
When there is
lack of love, it is always a call for love.
When we don’t feel
loved, it is essential that we reach out with love.
And if we don’t feel
love for ourselves, it is key that we fill our own need for love.
When we fill
ourselves, we will find the world needs our love more than we ever imagined.
Take time to read
the piece below, simplifying our interpretations, so we can understand.
When we can see what
is needed and being called for, we can open our heart and respond with love.
When we notice that
we are acting in unloving ways, we can give our selves the love we need.
Love is meant to
flow: when the flow is blocked, we need to forgive ourselves with withholding
Thanks for
flowing your Love.
You are a gift of
love for me.
Loving you,