Monday, August 04, 2014

Want A Real Job?

I have the job of Loving.
I enjoy my job and do it well.
My job pays me well, when I am grateful.
I value my work and my work appreciates me.

Do you have a job?
Do you want a job?
Are you willing to work?
Do you want right livelihood?

Say “YES” to work.
Let’ s do what we love.
If we love to be happy, let’s be happy.
If we love to be healthy, let’s be healthy.
If we love to sing and dance, let’s do it.

Everywhere we go, we are called to do what we love.
When we do what we love, life works for us.
When we love what we do, what we do works for us.
The key is to do what we love and love what we do.

When you clean your house, do it with appreciation.
When you pay your bills, do it with gratitude.
When you go to your job, appreciate having a job that pays the bills.
When you live everyday, do it in the most appreciative  way!

Our Real Job is being REAL.
Our Real work is to bless and be blessed.
Our Real Life is to Love and be Loved.
Our Real Occupation is to Care and feel Compassion.

Whatever we do, becomes our identification.
So identify with the underlying meaning and purpose.
Maybe your Real job is to provide for your family.
Maybe your Real work is to pay your debts.
Maybe your Real job is to clean up your life.
Maybe your Real work is to save someone’s life.
Maybe your Real job is to give all you have.
Maybe your Real work is to learn something well.
Maybe your Real job is to strengthen your faith.
Maybe your Real work is to stop playing weak.

We often do not know what our “Real Job” is for.
We may not understand why life sent us where we are.
We may not be clear about what or why or with whom.
The Real work is to do the work the very best we can.
The Real work is to let go, learn and love anyway.

Let’s just do it!
Betty Lue