I love, trust and respect myself.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and
respect me.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love, trust and
respect others.
Self Respect is to see and trust the True Me.
Reminders Books available—see to order or get free downloads)
To Know your Self
is to Respect your Self.
To be True to your
Self is to Respect your Self.
To live your Truth
is to Respect your Self.
To trust and free
your Self to be is to Respect your Self.
When you live
with Self Respect you live with integrity.
When you live with
integrity, you are authentic and sincere.
When you are
authentic, you are confidence and trusted.
When you are
confident and trusted, you follow the way you have chosen.
When you are self
referring you listen within to the calling of your heart.
When you are outer
referring you play to the needs or demands of others.
When you are self
respecting you take impeccable care of yourself.
When you are
externally referring you seek approval and confirmation.
It may be that
you need to know what others want and need from you.
It may be that you
forget your own values to abide by what others are doing.
It may be that you
try to please, fix and help to your own detriment.
It may be that you
forsake your own inner vision, dreams and goals to honor theirs.
Respect yourself
by taking impeccable care of you first.
Get up early for the
quiet time before the family awakens.
Give yourself the
moments of quiet gratitude, inner listening, body stretches.
Take time to set you
course for the day to honor what is your attitude to play.
Our life is lived
well, when we come to the “well” within.
There is a
wellspring of Love, beauty, peace and joy within.
When we take the
precious time to be with our inner truth, we find energy and delight.
When we give
ourselves the daily rest of listening within, we can give our best.
Respecting our
timing shows us the ways to flow.
Respecting our gifts
gives us the ways to grow.
Respecting our nature
allows us to renew ourselves.
Respecting our
truths makes us confident and true.
When we respect
who we are, unlimited in power and in peace, there is nothing we cannot do.
When we look beneath
the seeming personality limitations, we can see the infinite at work in us.
When we forgive the
past limiting beliefs and learning experiences in life, we see ourselves free
to be.
When we claim
confidence and trust in our inner Goodness and Beauty, we live always with Self
Loving me and you
with respect and trust, confidence and Appreciation.
Betty Lue