I free myself to fully Be Who I AM.
I free others to freely be Who they are
I am grateful for the diversity and unique expression in everyone.
I trust and allow myself to be a safe place for each to be
authentic, creative and REAL.
What can you
do to free yourself to be fully you?
What holds you
back from being truly authentic?
How do you
keep yourself in check in your live?
What rules to
you live by and whose approval do you seek?
There are many
teachings and beliefs we learn early in life?
We listen to
parents and teachers and what gets their approval.
We observe
what works and what doesn’t work in the world.
We are
programmed to be externally referring in our choices.
Does this
please my parent, teachers and friends?
Will I get ahead
by talking and behaving this way?
Do I fit with
the people around me and how they act?
Do my actions,
language and choices conform to what is popular?
People do
not spend quality time with others, learning their values and beliefs.
It seems that
most people pay attention to others via media, texting, face book, etc.
It seems that
young people admire those in public view and follow their lead
It seems that
‘getting along’, following and belonging are among the highest values.
Where have
the leaders gone?
Where are
those who speak up for the rights of others?
Where is
authenticity, originality and new thought?
Where are
those who express themselves creatively?
If you are
one who doesn’t follow the crowd, appreciate yourself!
If you are
someone who expresses your truth without offense to others, value yourself!
If you are
among those who lead others to do good and create good, enjoy your part!
If you are
true to you and give always and only your best, count yourself blessed!
What you can
do to free yourself is listen to what feels right and true for you.
What you can
do to free yourself is to pay attention to when it feels wrong and stop!
What you can
do to free yourself is listen to your heart, your conscience and inner guide..
What you can
do to free yourself is forgive every mistake, yours and others, immediately.
You see we are
easily tamed and changed and delayed by the criticism we have learned.
People often
fear being wrong and so don’t even step out of the learned boxes of society.
We may fear
judgment, being shamed , rejected and humiliated by others .
People learn
to let others lead and then blame them for their own lack of leadership
If you feel
safe by conforming and following what others do, you hold back..
If you still
try to please and get others approval, we will do what they want you to do.
If you think
playing it safe is the best way to live, you will hide your inner light.
If you wait
until another goes forth , you may miss your time to shine and share.
Time to be
free and see All that You Can Be,
Betty Lue