choose peace in my mind, my words and my life.
seek to remember and repeat the Good I know.
give my self in loving service to be the best I can be.
live in gratitude for all those who have lived their best as well.
Let us honor
those who have gone before us.
Let us care for
those who are wounded in life.
Let us be there for
those who are afraid or suffer.
Let us begin right
here and right now!
When we remember
those who need our love, we are willing to be helpful.
When we remember
those who have lost the war with pain, we are willing to be kind.
When we remember
those who have left us in bravery and death, we are willing to be respectful.
When we remember
those who have led the way for freedom and responsibility, we are reverent.
Let us remind
ourselves to learn.
Let us remind
ourselves to forgive.
Let us remind
ourselves to seek peace.
Let us remind
ourselves to find a better way for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We can hold these
truths that all men are created equal.
We can abide by the
laws that protect and provide for us all.
We can stop the
suffering of those who are ignored, neglected and forgotten.
We can give prayer,
service, shelter, health care, and education to everyone.
Let us protect
and preserve the goodness and beauty in life.
We know we need to
provide and protect our children and families.
We know we need to
provide and protect all natural life on earth.
We know we need to
provide and protect our earth home and her resources.
Let us begin with
ourselves and our health, our families and homes, our schools and our teachers.
Let us contribute
gratitude and support to those who work to sustain a better life for all.
Let us do our part
by volunteering where we can to make our neighborhoods and communities safe.
Let us do our part
by watching out for the kids and youth with better media and role models.
Memorial Day is a
day to give tribute to those who have given their lives for our freedoms.
Our work is to make
sure no one has died in vain or given their lives for a sinking ship.
What does it cost to
clean up our own words and habits and relationships?
Everyday in
every way, let us individually clean up our thoughts, words and behavior.
My gifts of
gratitude in memory of my parents and ancestors is to be the best I can be.
My gifts of
remembrance are to embrace all my responsibilities to ensure I am totally
My gifts of service
are to serve everyone who comes to me with or without means to pay.
My gifts of love to
my family and humanity are to be One who says YES in support of all Good.
Ask yourself
today and everyday:
What Can I do to be
truly helpful?
What can I do to
make a better world?
What can I do to be
the best I can be today?
This is our Service
to our family, our country and our world in honor of all who Serve!
Love is the way we
walk in gratitude,
Betty Lue
The more gratitude, the more increase.
The more gratitude, the more blessings.
The more gratitude, the more health.
The more gratitude, the more support.
Trust it and practice it daily.
Keep up the good and grateful work.
It works, because you do the work!