I finish what I start.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy for me.
I clear my mind, my body and my spirit with trust and gratitude.
I clean up all my messes quickly.
I leave everything better than when I found it.
Clear the
clutter in your mind.
Clear the junk
in your body.
Clear the
chaos in your spirit.
Clean up your
whole life?
How do I
Where do I
What can I
matters most to you?
Start with
where you are.
Begin one
minute at a time.
Get up and
make your bed.
Wash and put
away your clothes where they belong.
If you have
too much to keep track of , give plenty away.
Take charge of
the chaos you leave behind everyday.
If your
clothes don’t fit or have a tidy place, you have too many.
If you are not
wearing them anyway, give them to someone who will.
Too much
stuff is a disease for many.
your closets and drawers is a way to drain and depress yourself.
You cannot be
free and open for good in your life when you hang on to the old and unused.
Too much in
disarray and disrepair is a symbolic reminder of yourself as confused and
Clean one
room at a time.
overwhelming, begin with one drawer.
Three boxes;
one to keep, one to throw or give away, one unsure to pack and store.
Sort quickly
on first impulse with an intention to simplify, clarify and free your life.
Clean one
relationship at a time.
Be responsible
for doing your part.
Apologize and
make amends.
Find a way to
forgive and have love in your heart.
Every one
has clean up to do.
Do what you
can to heal and help You.
You know the
mess you left.
It is your
turn to clear up what you left undone.
Whether you
cook, do laundry, a project or phone call, you are responsible to complete.
What you leave
unfinished will deplete, distract, delay and discourage and teach others
You may expect
others to clean up your messes, but you will never cleanup your life.
You may
believe you get to do what others have done before you, but never learn to know
Finish what
you start.
Let go of what
no longer inspires you.
Undo what is
not True for you.
Reveal what is
real and good for you.
Loving you
as you let go with gratitude and trust.
Betty Lue