I am alive, alert and enthusiastic.
I know what I really want and I go for it.
Love heals all things and awakens me to be free.
I trust my real self and am free to live my life.
Are you
willing to be new again?
Are you open to a
change of mind?
Are you ready for
new ideas and possibilities?
Are you clear you
are here to plant some seeds?
What does it
take for you to wake up in the morning?
How long has it
been since you awakened truly happy?
What makes you
want to be fully alive and shout?
Do you remember
how to be happy and free?
If you are tired
in the morning, go to bed earlier.
If you are depressed
or discouraged, get moving.
If you feel like a
failure, do something to completion.
Begin with one thing
at a time to satisfy your soul.
We are trained,
imprinted and programmed to be happy or be discouraged.
We learn to label
ourselves and believe what we think and say.
We take on the
beliefs of the world and then live them out.
Take back your life
and actively and consciously choose the life you want.
This is the
springtime of your life… matter your age.
This is the moment
you have been waiting for…no matter the situation.
This is your time to
shine … matter how empty or dull you feel.
This is your place
to experience the Goodness you want… matter how limited things may seem.
Life is simple.
Your life belongs
to you.
Beginning anew
takes will,
Creating what you
really want is a choice.
Take back your
Stop giving it away
to those who don’t really care.
Take back your
Stop allowing
someone or something else to choose for you.
This is the
moment to Love You.
This is your time to
really choose to live.
This is your day to
play and shine like the Sun.
This is your choice
to be whole and happy and free.
Can it be that
It already is.
Quitting yields
Choosing yields all.
Choose life
Choose abundant life
Choose to take back
your life.
No more holding
yourself hostage.
I am alive in you
and with you today.
We are all in this
Baruch Bashan…..The
blessings already are!
Betty Lue