Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Forgiveness, Choice and Gratitude

I easily and quickly forgive us all for our mistakes.
I quickly choose to see the loving and creative essence in everyone, including myself.  
I am able to respond with forgiveness and love to all relationships.
I affirm, create and enjoy goodness, wholeness and beauty.

Forgiveness, Choice and Gratitude

These 3 Mighty Tools will change your life!
Use the Process below and you will get immediate results!

With daily practice you will see the amazing results everywhere!
1) Forgive everything and everyone for all time, including your self.
2) Choose what you really want and choose it everyday with thoughts, words and actions.
3) Appreciate your life and take full responsibility for the life you have.

Forgiveness clears the programming.
Forgiveness provides a blank canvas.
Forgiveness gives a fresh start.
Forgiveness opens the heart.

Choice is the way we set our intention.
Choice is the invitation to create.
Choice is taking responsibility for what we experience.
Choice is the expression of our unlimited power.

Appreciation is the way we energize ourselves.
Appreciation is the tool to get things done.
Appreciation is the guiding light.
Appreciation increases everything we want.

You have the ability to change your life right now.
Using these simple tools with yourself will change your power and peace.
Using these tools with your family will transform how they respond to you.
Using these tools in dealing with apparent problems and conflicts will set you free.

No matter where you are or what you are doing or what you experience, these tools will empower you.
If you are paying attention, these tools will apply to everything and everyone.
If you want to be responsible without guilt or blame, use these three tools daily.
If you want to change or transform the quality of your health, relationships or finances. practice these three.

I am available if you need more help or clarification.
I am available if you are sincere about doing the work.
I am willing to share more as you have desire to learn.
I am open wan willing, because I choose to love, serve and remember.

Loving you, 
Betty Lue

When you appreciate, you create more of what you value.
When you contribute, you honor in exalt what you value.
When you celebrate, you fully receive what you value.
When you serve, you freely give to what you value.

As you are called, contribute to creative, teaching and healing work of Reunion .
As you are called, give to what gives to you.
As you are guided to serve, recognize true service serves all of us.
As you are guided to create, create what is good, beautiful and holy for everyone.

I forgive any way I may have forgotten, neglected or ignored anyone.
I choose to remember you always and only with love, respect and gratitude.
I appreciate my willingness to Love everyone.