Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Do You Really Want a Good Life?

I am Good. I do Good.  I have Goodness in my life.
I happily work everyday to create and enjoy the life I have.
Life works for me, because I work for only good for me and all.
I trust the choices I make and appreciate all I am learning and remembering.

If you really don't want a good life, do not read this reminder.
If you do, read and practice everyday what resonates with you.
If it works, keep doing it until it stops working.
If it doesn’t work, find what does!

Yes, I am clear and concise, tough and trusting.
Yes, I know you can have the good life you want.
Yes, you need to want it and work continuously for it.
Yes, you need to stop now everything that is not good for you.

Stop wasting time.
Stop making excuses.
Stop playing ”poor me.”
Stop defending, justifying and making excuses.

Now is your time.
You are the only one who can do it for you.
This is your life.
You must devote your time, attention and resources to make it Good!

Being responsible for your life is adult behavior.
Being responsible for your relationships is mature.
Being responsible for your finances is adult.
Being responsible for what you see, feel, and believe about yourself is key.

Begin by getting a clear picture of what a Good Life is for you.
Notice the qualities of a “good Life” you have assigned.
Seek out other examples of those who are living a Good Life.
Become aware of the steps it takes to create and maintain a good life.

Few sustain their ideal life, because there is continuous responsibility and work to live well.
Some get an inheritance or win the lottery, but very few experience the “good life” without work.
Some live off others hard work, but few can maintain what they want to have without good work.
Some acquire and then lose what they acquire, because they fall into lazy, greedy patterns.

A Good life can be simple, living off the land in an environmentally sustainable way.
A Good life can be service-oriented, using what you have to improve the lives of others.
A Good life can be exploring, research, education, acquiring more and doing more.
A Good life can be fully appreciating what you have and knowing always you have plenty.

We can settle or seek.
We can create and enjoy.
We can have and share.
We can complain and deplete.

Life is a blank canvas, an open field of possibility, an endless flow of unlimited creativity.
If you don’t like the picture you draw or the tower of blocks you build, let it go and choose again.

You choose your own Good Life.
Make it yours and do the work.
Be responsible for your creations.
Clean up immediately after yourself.

Life is infinite.  There is no end to creation.
There are unlimited canvases on which to design your good life.
Have fun and it will be faster and easier to start over.
I enjoy the process, since there is no destination that will satisfy you.

Loving us in creating and enjoying.
Betty Lue

Rules of Remembering

No complaining.
No stories of past pain, problems or mistakes.
No criticizing, aloud or silently.
No need to justify, explain or seek approval.
Stop every harmful thought, word or deed.
Focus on giving your best right now.
Clean up after yourself and keep life in order. 
Hurt no one with your thoughts, words or deeds.
Forgive yourself and apologize immediately.
If you see something that is needed, simply do it.
Respect your body and mind with only good. 
Appreciate everything you have and do and are.
Choose to be happy, content and grateful.
Speak with clarity and intention to give only Love.
Let go of what no longer works for you.
Live every moment, as if God (Love) in all Life matters….because it does.
Betty Lue, 2013