Friday, April 05, 2013

Make Every Encounter Positive!

Make everyday special.
Make every relationship meaningful.
Make every moment count.
Make life alive with abundant blessings.

You can create a Good Life.
The primary focus in life must be to seek and find the Goodness.
The primary attention must be giving to appreciating the Good.
The primary ways of responding must be to fully enjoy and express our Joy.

Believe it or not, we are meant to be happy.
Believe it or not, the more awake we are, the more Good we see.
Believe it or not, our gratitude produces happiness.
Believe it or not, our happiness creates more Goodness to appreciate.

When you get up in the morning, you can look forward to having a Good Day.
When you prepare a meal, you can feel grateful for having good food to eat.
When you drive your car, you can give thanks you have transportation.
When you go to work, you can appreciate having a job.

You can create a miserable Life.
Your negative focus can be to seek and find everything that is Bad.
Your critical attention can be on looking for what needs to be fixed or avoided.
Your usual way of reacting can be to be upset, hurt, angry and express your judgments.

When you get up in the morning, you can dread the day ahead with all its apparent problems.
When you prepare a meal, you can be angry that you have to do it for others again and again.
When you drive your car, you can wish you had a better car or a clean car or didn’t have to drive so far.
When you go to work, you can hate the boss or complain about coworkers or wish you had a better job.

It is easy to change your mind, when you are willing.
If you know better, you can do better.
Stop doing what creates more of the same.
Start doing what you know will increase the Good in your life.

Do you know how to change your mind?
Choose the thoughts you want to have.
Recognize that your thoughts create the feelings you have.
Choose the words you speak and the face you wear.
Choose the people with whom you speak.
Choose the media you watch and the stuff you read and listen to.
Choose the affirmations you say to yourself and others.
Choose the food you eat and the home you live in.
Choose to make you best and prepare healthy meals.
Choose to pay your bills on time with gratitude.
Choose to forgive all past mistakes over and over.
Choose to give up bad habits of thinking, speaking and behaving.
Choose to love and acknowledge your Good Life daily.

You can have a good life beginning today.
Practice using your own mind to make your life Good.
Loving us all in being Happy.
Betty Lue 

Learn to translate everything into the learning, laughting, letting go and loving!

Healing Relationships

You are responsible for your own happiness and inner peace.
Where we are upset (angry, hurt, afraid, judgmental), our past wounds (unhealed stuff) has been triggered.   
This shows us where we have work to do.

The usual relationship habit is to try to “fix” the other person, to get them to change or stop saying or doing what has upset us. 
This makes the other feel “wrong” and guilty and hurt and angry and inadequate. 
This only exaggerates the problem.  
It is ineffective over the long term.

The real work is to heal our own woundedness, to clear our own buttons and heal our history and forgive allowing anything or anyone to hurt us.  
When we have done our work, we can be truly effective, helpful and teach by example.

This is a big job.  
It cannot be done overnight, but takes constant practice.
We must first take good care of ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually.  
Being conscious and taking impeccable care of ourselves is essential to quality relationships.

Begin now with learning to love, respect, trust and appreciate yourself.

The more you love, trust, respect and appreciate yourself, 
the more others will love, trust, respect and appreciate you.
The more you love, respect, trust and appreciate yourself, 
the more others will do the same for themselves and  for others.

You are the living example, the teacher, with everything you think, say and do.
Betty Lue is always loving you and all, no matter what.