Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Does Judgment Keep Us Stuck?

What Is True Forgiveness?

What if every judgment creates more to judge?
What if all our fears will reappear until we clear?
What if our life reflects what we hold in mind?
What if what we can erase our mind with forgiveness?

Forgiveness in the truest sense is meant to erase.
Forgiveness is the solvent to clear away all problems.
Forgiveness is the antidote to whatever ails us.
Forgiveness get us unstuck from re-creating what we do not want.

When we forgive, we free ourselves to really live.
When we forgive, we let go to see things differently.
When we forgive, the past is gone and only blessings are left.
When we forgive, we are free to see and be honest, respectful and kind.

When we judge, we are stuck in the muck of our own past history.
When we judge, we are defensive, withholding and cannot see clearly.
When we judge, we hold blocks to love for ourselves and others.
When we judge, we are bound and determined to believe in our rightness.

When we truly forgive, we erase the past.
When we truly forgive, we see the call for love.
When we truly forgive, we speak and act in helpful and healing ways.
When we truly forgive, we return to a life that is trusting and giving.

When we are willing to let go, the love begins to flow.
When we are willing to return to love, we release the fear.
When we are willing to be at peace, we see love is within our reach.
When we are willing to step up and be the one, forgiveness has begun.

To truly forgive is to value inner peace more than outer defensiveness.
To truly forgive is to want to live and love, free from fear and anger.
To truly forgive is to see the past is gone and has no value in the present.
To truly forgive is to be here now with the very best in us to be and give.

When we are willing to release what is no longer true, is our healing way to love everyone including You.
When we are willing to erase and leave only love in its place, we are ready to face the world unafraid.
When we are willing to clear all fear and judgment, resentment and regret, we get forgiveness works.
When we are willing to be the one who steps forward in faith, kindness and respect, we simply do.

Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I am open and willing to allow only Love to flow through me in all I do and say and see.
With forgiveness in me, I am happy, healthy and free.

Freeing us all with forgiving everything and everyone, including myself.
Betty Lue

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness and Inner Peace

Every morning and every night, say this prayer:

I forgive everything and everyone, every experience and every memory of the past and present that needs forgiveness.
I forgive positively everyone.

God is Love. Goodness is God.
I am forgiven and governed by this Love alone.
 Love is now harmonizing my life and its problems.
Realizing this, I abide in peace.

I am now forgiven by everything and everyone of the past and present that needs to forgive me.
I know that forgiveness unblocks whatever stands between me and my good.

I am grateful for the power of Goodness in us all.