Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

“Hallowed evening” “Sacred Evening” before Nov. 1 All Soul’s Day and Nov2, All Saint’s Day. 
Lots of history when you google it for those who want to know.
For most, it simply means a time for children to dress in costumes and masks and ask for treats.
For some who remember, there were tricks like soaping windows or scaring people or parties with contests for best costume or just plain lots of fun carving pumpkins and eating candy.

Learn to celebrate each day is a gift to yourself and those around you.
Let life be a treat of delight and gratitude, even when you let yourself be “tricked”.
We are children, when we are not responsible for ourselves and our emotions.
We are ignorant, when we close our eyes to the shifts and changes that happen.

The Giants won the World Series.
I believe they won because they enjoyed playing the game together.
When we play the game of life as teammates, working cooperatively, everyone wins.
When we enjoy simply playing without worrying about the final outcome, we have fun everyday.

Everyone was warned about the megastorm coming.
Some chose not to evacuate and to ride out the storm.
Some chose to prepare for the worst and trust in the outcome.
Some chose to leave for safer ground and watch from a safe place.

We all can be happy playing the game of life, win or lose.
We all can ride out the storms in life or step away to safe ground.
We all have choice about how we do our lives.
We all have choices about what we believe and achieve.
We all wear masks and costumes and play trick or treat.
We all can spend life complaining or celebrating.
We all can use our time and money to work or play, waste or share.
We all can cultivate our talents and resources or deny or let them decay.

What you do with your life is always your choice.

We just came home to our Lake House home and community last night.
It feels good to share our Hermitage home with those who have need.
It satisfies us to know we have a Positive Living Center here  to serve Lake County.
Our winter garden, our friends, our Friday eve Mexican train game for anyone who wants to join us.
Our two labyrinths and peace poles, hot air balloons, the natural beauty of  lake and mountains and woods.
The open sky, fresh air and simple town and  few stores, the changing color of the autumn trees.
Life provides all of us with so much good when we are willing to choose what is Good for us.

What is your story?
Are you happy and content with your life?
Is it time to choose again?
Do you know what you really want?

You will not have what you want until you know what it is.
The simplest way to find out is to let go of what you don’t want right now.
You must make room, time, money, energy and quiet, to explore and discover.
You must first complete your agreement with what you have created.
Completion comes with taking full responsibility without blame or guilt.
Be honest about what works for you and let the rest go with gratitude.

Loving us all in choosing again.
Take off your costume and mask.
Look in the mirror, the reflection of your life and choose.
To respect your self is to look again…and see things differently.

Loving you, loving you.
Loving you loves us all.
Betty Lue

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stop Wasting Time and Energy

Stop using up precious asking “Why?”
Stop wasting your energy blaming someone.
Stop making yourself miserable feeling guilty.
Stop trying to justify how you are right.

These create delay in moving forward.
These create roadblocks to healing.
These inhibit opportunities to learn.
These limit progress and getting what you want.

Life invites us to choose a new path anytime we want.
Relationship provide learning ground to find a better way.
When we plant a seed or idea that does not take or grow, stop and find a better way.
Do not keep trying the same approach again and again and expect it to work.

Every unhappy moment is a time we can choose for happiness.
Every upsetting relationship is a wakeup call to find a better way.
Every disease or pain is a place we can choose again for the path of health.
Every disaster is simply a call for: “How Can I be helpful?”

Life is a learning laboratory.
We are looking for what works.
Even if you have tried 1000 ways, the next one may turn on the light.
When we waste time trying to understand why it didn’t work, we may get stuck in fear and judgment.

What can I do?
How can I think and speak and act?
What is another possibility?
How can I expand my creative solutions?
What do I need to know or understand?
How can I let go of my judgments and fears?
Where can I be open to another way of seeing this?
Who might give me the knowledge that I seek?
Could I ask directly for what I want?
What else can I try?
Am I truly willing for success?
What can I do differently?
How can I be more kind and compassionate?
Where am I stuck and how can I quickly release my stubbornness?

There are infinite opportunities for success in healing, learning, growing, achieving, succeeding.
If at first you don’t succeed, try another way.
It is only those who keep pushing for their way, who get stuck in what doesn’t work.
Change your mind and point of view and you will see  all things differently.

Blessing us all in our willingness to let go and choose again,
Betty Lue

Monday, October 29, 2012

Making the Most of Each Day

·     Full Moon Today.

·     Mega storms converging on the East Coast.

·     Halloween is Coming.

·     All Saint’s and All Soul’s Day.

·     Trick or Treat

·     Thinning of the Veils.

·     Everyday is the First Day of Our Lives.

·     And the Giants won the World Series!! (Demonstrating Miracle of Love in action!)

Making the Most of Each Day

Are you willing to make this day a gift?
Are you willing to honor your self today?
Are you willing to be fully present now?
Are you willing to appreciate every day?

These are key questions for you to have a GREAT DAY!
These are the ways we can choose to approach every day of our lives.
This is the best way to stay awake, happy and in love.
This truly is how you make the most of each and every day.

When you see every day as a gift, you can allow yourself to be curious, surprised and amused.
When you recognize the gift is to be valued, utilized and shared with others, you feel blessed.
When you understand the gift of life is given to you for healing and learning, you use it well.
When you remember the Source of your life is Love itself, you will be grateful.

When you honor your Self, all of you, thoughts, feelings, deeds, you will be respectful.
When you know Who and Whose You Are, the origin of your Being, you will feel important.
When live life as though you really matter, you make a difference.
When you appreciate each relationship as a healing and holy encounter, it truly is.

It is not luck or magic or specialness that offers the Good Life, it is our choice to respect our lives.
It is not a strategy or destiny to have a Good Life, it is determined by our willingness to let go.
It is not the result of favoritism of God or the Universe that some have it really good and some do not.
It is by our choice to practice inner listening for guidance and a readiness to let go of all past errors.

We can stay lost forever trying to figure out why bad things happen.
We can get stuck in trying to place blame or cause on someone or something.
We can delay being present for the Goodness in today by feeling sorry for ourselves.
We can never decide where we want to go and continue to go nowhere.

The GPS of life requires that we know where we are and decide where we are going.
If we do not have these two points in mind, we are bumped around by the whims of others.
When we are honest about where we are and actively choose for where we are going, life works.
Being real and responsible for what we want is essential to going in the right direction.

I am here and I want to have a great day, so I give everything I think and say and do to Greatness.
I am free and I choose to have a Good Life, so I freely think and do and say only what is Good.
I am stuck and I forgive my stuckness.  I release myself this moment to be All That I Am.
I am lost and I become aware of where I AM and choose for what I really want.

I choose to be awake and aware today and live each moment fully connected and conscious.
I choose today to treat myself and all others with respect for our holiness.
I choose this moment to be totally grateful for Who I Am and Where I Am.
I choose to use this day, every minute and every encounter as a blessing for all.

Loving you, 
Betty Lue

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Use What You Have

When we are neglecting what we have in our lives, we are wasting our good.
When we are ignoring what is given to us, we are devaluing what is ours.
When we are judging what we have, we are disrespecting ourselves.
In this world of judgment, comparison and wanting more, we are confused.

When we learned what we have is not good enough, we do not feel good enough.
When we learned to have more expected than we give, we feel unappreciated.
When we learned to be afraid of being stolen from, we feel fearful of sharing.
When we learned to hide and play small, we feel afraid and hold back.

There is enough when we share.
We are enough when we care.
There is good for everyone, when we appreciate.
We have what we need when we dare to fully play.

On the teams in life, all positions need to be filled.
Yes, there are the stars, the ones everyone sees.
And just as essential are the office people and ticket takers.
Equally important are the bat boys, the uniform makers and the fans.

Without any part of the greater whole, the team is incomplete.
Remember that your part, seen or unseen, is just as important.
In families, everyone is called to play their part.
In businesses, all have equal worth.

There will come a time when we all remember to use what we have.
There will come a place where we are invited to contribute what we have.
There will be a relationship where we know we are valued.
There will be a moment when we realize we are here to give our best.

Use what you have and create what you want.
Recognize that true prosperity comes from using everything for Good.
Understand that our wholeness and holiness depend on using what we have.
When we live appreciating and utilizing all that is given, we all have enough.

No more hidden talents.
No more stored excess.
No more withheld love.
Fully caring and sharing our best.

When we live contributing to life with the best in us, no one will go without.
When we give abundantly to those people and projects around us, we will succeed.
When we fully our depth of gratitude and respect to all who are giving, we will feel happy.
When we admire and appreciate ourselves and others equally, we will be blessed.

Take time to use what you have and trust it is always good enough,
The Blessings abound,  
Betty Lue 

I highly recommend this organization where you loan $25 with someone around the world (whom you choose) and all the money is repaid. We have been giving to this great organization to make dreams come true for people everyone!  I recommend that you consider!
Read their stories and know it all be paid back for you to use again and again!!

Loving you for making a better world for all.  
Betty Lue
“Our Greatest Fear” 

Our greatest fear
is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light,
not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented and fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that others won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone,
and as we let our own light shine
we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear
our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson, 1992

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Back on the Mainland

With Aloha Spirit, we are home again.  
Relaxed and renewed, always open for what serves the Greater Good.
When we reenter our ordinary life, we must remember to bring the extraordinary with us.
When we return from vacation, we need to bring elements of vacation peace and happiness.

When we meditate, go on a hike or take a day off work, it is important to return with something special.
When we take a deep breath, say a prayer or have a tea or coffee break, it is valuable to find inner peace.
When we find something special, loving and good, it must become our gift to offer in the next moment.
When we can bring home the extraordinary joy, appreciation, calm, clarity, we carry it with us for all.

So often in relationships we neglect to share the good moments we experience.
Many times we leave the laughter on vacation and return to seriousness.
We may slow down and really enjoy a few moments of peace and then return to rushing and worrying.
We can learn to come home with a natural sweetness, pleasure and profound gratitude for life.

We may get caught in day to day schedules, busy-ness and endless lists of needs and wants and have to’s.
We may have learned to take a break to breathe is slacking off or just plain irresponsible.
Or we might feel that work is too hard, too boring or just not worth it, so we don’t do anything.
Whether we do too much or too little, the guilt, blame, stress and anxiety is debilitating and depressing.

I am encouraging everyone to remember!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Now is the only moment in which we can find peace.
This Holy Instant, we can give to Love and to Spirit within to guide us.

The mainland of your life may be full of everyday dilemmas, problems, uncertainties and choices.
Being in Paradise (on Vacation) may seem like the answer to it all.
Give yourself a moment of Paradise with its Beauty and Peace by going within.
Take right now, this moment, to breathe deep and give profound thanks for the Good in your life.

I salute you for loving you.
I celebrate you for loving others.
I honor you for appreciating your creations.
I invite you to take care of what you value and let the rest go.

My schedule is always open for review, so I use my time, energy and resources to serve only Good for all.
My mind is dedicated to positive loving and healing thoughts that serve the Higher Mind.
My words are given freely as a gift to myself and to all those for whom they will be a loving reminder. 
My service to humanity, my human family, is a healing gift to myself and to our world.

I am willing to return to the Mainland, realizing the life I have created and appreciated is just right for me.
I am celebrating my willingness and flexibility to do always and only what sets me free to be my best.
I am loving myself on all levels, so there is no fear, no judgment, no pain or problems.
I am trusting my life is a gentle reminder for me and you of all that is Good, Beautiful and Holy.

You can have this Abundantly Good Life, too!
Loving you, 
Betty Lue

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Good Life

How do we have the “Good Life”?
The Good Life comes from being good and doing Good.
The Good life comes with appreciating the life you have.
The Good life comes from letting go of envy, comparison, competition and wanting more.

How do we have what we want?
We need to be very clear about our true values.
We need to acknowledge what we really want.
We often “want” what others have, rather than identifying what we really want.

How do we know what we really want?
We already experience what we want consciously and unconsciously.
Our programming and past history often are playing through our thoughts, words and behaviors.
When we undo, forgive and erase all that we no longer want to be true for us, we are free to choose again.

How do we clear up the “not Good stuff” in our lives?
Identify what you really value and your priorities.
Let go of everything that is not of value with your blessing.
Make this a regular practice of letting go with gratitude.

What is the value of having stuff we don’t want?
For some, the value is in recognizing what is true and what is not.
Some are here to heal past generations of false beliefs and experiences.
Many of us have what we don’t want, because we are victims of our own limiting thoughts.

When will we be free to have the Good Life?
Freedom comes from letting go of all limitation for ourselves and others.
Freedom comes from encouraging everyone to have what they really want.
Freedom comes when we trust it is fun, safe and easy to have the Good Life.

What can we do to simplify and quicken the process?
Give always and only Good to everyone.
Simplify your values and stay true to what is true for you.
Forgive any and every mistaken choice immediately.

How do we let go and be true to ourselves?
Regularly clear your home, office, schedule and mind of everything that does not bring joy and peace.
Listen within for what you really want and need to be your best happy, healthy and free.
Choose with gratitude that which is truly for the Highest Good for you and everyone.

Life is a Grand Undoing.
We are here to have life and experience it more abundantly.
When we mistaken fill our lives with temporal, transitory stuff, there is no room for what is real and lasting.
Let us choose again to enjoy and celebrate what has heart and meaning, Love, Joy, and Peace

This is the Good Life!
Loving you,  
Betty Lue

These tools are free for everyone. 
Master them one at a time. 
You will see that each one of us is given the tools for success.
It is work to use them with excellence.  

Let me know if you get stuck in the process. 
I am here wanting only the Good Life for you.
Betty Lue

Your Power Tools for Success  

Power Tools
                  Clarity                Erase doubt and fear.
                  Communication  Be self-aware.
                  Choice                Be at cause.
                  Change               Trust the unknown.
                  Commitment       Wholeheartedly go for it.
                  Contribution        Give what has heart & meaning.
                  Celebration         Appreciate & enjoy the good in life.

Seven Steps To Success
                  Vision                  See it                 Imaging Your Desired Outcome
                  Faith                   Believe it           Self-Confidence & Trust
                  Passion               Desire it            Desire & Enthusiasm
                  Commitment       Choose it           Persistence & Determination
                  Strategy              Plan it                Planning & Preparation
                  Action                 Go for it             Willingness & Taking Action
                  Gratitude            Enjoy it              Appreciation & Acknowledgment

I clearly see....

I know....

I desire....

I choose....

I am prepared....

Today I am committed to....

This week I am committed to....

This month I am committed to....

This year I am committed to....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do You Know?

The more we know, the less we feel ignorant.
The more we can do, the less dependent we are.
The more we explore, the less we feel limited.
The more we appreciate, the more we love and enjoy.

Do you know how to sew on a button or repair a seam?
Do you know make a cake or a fruit salad?
Do you know how to clean a bathroom or make a bed?
Do you know how to clean your oven or wash windows?

Have you ever started a campfire or roasted marshmallows?
Have you ever cut down a tree or used a hammer or saw?
Have you ever poured cement or planted a garden?
Have you ever hung curtains or ironed your shirts?

Do you do your own laundry, fold and hang up your clothes?
Do you balance your checkbook and know what money you have?
Do you ever spend only what you have without living on credit?
Do you do your own taxes and know how much interest you are paying?

Have you ever ridden a horse or donkey or camel?
Have you ever played basketball, baseball or golf?
Have you ever travelled to foreign countries and changed currency?
Have learned the basic please and thank you in other languages?

Do you sing in the shower or make up songs in your head?
Do you talk to yourself or write in a journal?
Do you try out new hairstyles or makeup or clothes?
Do you cook with fresh produce rather than eat packaged meals?

Have you written a poem, short story or song?
Have you learned something new or true from those you encounter?
Have you balanced your life with work and play, rest and creativity?
Have you learned how to love in the unique ways that work?

Do you treat those who help you with gratitude and respect?
Do you send thank you note to those who give you gifts?
Do answer your phone only when you are alone?
Do you apologize when you know you are wrong?

Have you kept your house and car clean, not just for guests?
Have your changed your mind, your beliefs and your plans without stress?
Have lost something without worry, because you know it will turn out all right?
Have you given up judging, comparing and evaluating and simply enjoyed?

Do you treat your elders with respect and honor their rules of etiquette?
Do you enjoy the innocence and simplicity and honesty of children? 
Do you appreciate yourself and always give your body and mind the best?
Do you take time for contributing and appreciating your life? 

There is so much in life to have and do and be.
When you choose what is best for you, you will feel supported in living your potential.
When we do not limit our life experiences with laziness, lethargy or procrastination, we are free.
When we are free, we let ourselves trust “What will be, will be.”

All Good all ways,
Those Who Know

To “know” is to “love”. For when we fully know, we have an experience of acceptance, understanding, trust and love. 

In working with this list of levels of consciousness, we can easily substitute “love” for “know”. Perhaps, for some, this will simplify and clarify where you are in your own unfoldment process.

·     Those who don’t know and don’t know they don’t know.
·     Those who don’t know and don’t care.
·     Those who don’t know and don’t want to know.
·     Those who don’t know and wish they did.
·     Those who don’t know and seek to know.
·     Those who are coming to know.
·     Those who know and are afraid of what they know.
·     Those who know and are afraid they don’t.
·     Those who know and hold back what they know.
·     Those who know and share what they know in order to know.
·     Those who know and know they know quietly.
·     Those who are what they know.

or with substitution:

·     Those who don’t love and don’t know they don’t love.
·     Those who don’t love and don’t care.
·     Those who don’t love and don’t want to love.
·     Those who don’t love and wish they did.
·     Those who don’t love and seek to love.
·     Those who are coming to Love.
·     Those who Love and are afraid of Love.
·     Those who Love and are afraid they don’t.
·     Those who Love and hold back their Love.
·     Those who Love and share Love to realize their Love.
·     Those who Love and share Love quietly.
·     Those who are Love.

Betty Lue
(Written many years ago??)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What Is Healing?

What is the process of Healing?
How Does Healing work?
How can we participate in healing?
How do we clear “dis-ease”, blocks and lack of Peace in life?

Dis-ease is lack of peace or lack of ease and flow.
Where there is conflict in the mind, there is lack of peace and constricted energy.
When the body, mind, relationships or finances have blocked energy, there is interference.
Inter-fear-ence is when fear enters into the flow or relationship.

Disease, problem or pain is the symptom or wakeup calling for attention and healing release.
We can experience this wakeup call on any or every level. (body, mind, emotions, relationships finances)
We can see it in our plants, pets, vehicle, home, or others.
We can notice certain issues presenting themselves in our clients or on the news.

When evidence of blocked energy or lack of love comes into our lives, it is an invitation to heal.
When we respond always and only with Love, the healing is done.
When we react with fear, we have internal blocks to clear.
Our reactions of fear, resistance, pain, upset, call for us to heal what interferes with a Loving Response.

When we forgive or remove the blockage and open the flow, the ease returns. 
Physical pain or conflict is released and peace returns.
We know, “Everything works together for the Good.” and “ All is well.”
When we do our healing work, “Awareness with Love is healing”, we are at peace.

We may go to an expert, (ie doctor, therapist, healer, consultant), to join and help in the healing.
When they are aware of healing energy, they may demonstrate and show us how to respond with love.
When they are at peace, they may provide us with a living guidance to come to peace ourselves.
When they understand both the fears, they may help us remove the blocks with knowledge and wisdom.

When the healing expert is wounded, misunderstands or is fearful, they may not be helpful.
When we bring our pain or problems to others for joining in the healing, we must choose wisely.
When we are clear about our intended outcome and beliefs in what is needed, we choose alignment.
When we are unclear about what we expect, need or believe, we may search endlessly for help.

Wherever two or more are joined in Love and Trust, there all things are possible.
Take time to find a healing partner to help you define the end you have in mind.
Take time to clear the fear and reactions which create blocks to the awareness of Love.
Take time to forgive and release the errors and unholy (unhealed) pictures you hold in mind.

It is our healed thoughts, that heal our emotions, that heal our bodies and our relationships.
It is our clear positive and loving beliefs that heal our home. our finances and our world.
When we live by the worlds rules, we may experience disease by the world’s rules.
When we live by spiritual principle, we can easily heal with spiritual principles.

When we live with conflict and upset as our norm, we expect more of the same.
When we live with peace and trust as our norm, we expect more of the same.
What we expect is usually what we get.
When we get what we don’t expect, it is simply a time to return to what we know is true.

This is healing: Remember Love and return to Wholeness,
Betty Lue

See the Love and you see the Wholeness.
Feel the Love and you feel the Holiness.
Know the Love and you trust in the Wholeness.

Healing Vs. Cure
(Used in the Wellness community)

1.  Cure may occur without healing.
   Healing may occur without cure.
   Healing and Cure may occur simultaneously.
2.  Cure considers the body separately from soul.
   Healing embraces the whole 
   (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationships).
3.  Cure is acting upon and is based on fear.
   Healing is being with, in love and faith.
4.  Cure isolates.
   Healing incorporates.
5.  Cure combats illness.
   Healing fosters wellness.
6.  Cure fixes the body.
   Healing corrects perception.
7.  Cure is the application of external authority.
   Healing is an inner process.
8.  Cure is a closed system.
   Healing is an open system.
9. Cure focuses on the future.
   Healing focuses on the present.
10. Cure is performed upon another.
   Healing shares with a sister, brother.
11.  Cure manages.
   Healing touches.
12. Cure often issues from fear.
   Healing usually issues from faith.
13. Cure seeks to conquer pain.
   Healing seeks to transcend pain.
14. Cure seeks to hold grief at a distance.
   Healing incorporates grief.
15.  Cure has a beginning and an end.
   Healing is on ongoing process.
16. Cure encounters mystery as a challenge for knowledge and understanding.
   Healing encounters mystery as a challenge to find meaning.
17.  Cure focuses on what is happening to you.
   Healing focuses on how you respond to what is happening to you.
18. Cure rejects death and views it as a defeat.
   Healing includes death among the possible blessed outcomes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Self Forgiveness

Have you forgiven you?
Have you acknowledged your errors?
Have you recognized your fears?
Have you acknowledged your deceit?
Have you revealed your dams and damning?
Have you confessed your separation?
Have you undone your resentment?
Have you completed your assignments?
Have you healed what you have revealed?

Forgiving oneself is the first step to forgiving others.
Forgiving others is the first step to Loving all.
Loving all is required to be at Peace.
Once we are at Peace, we simply need to share it.

And so it is, the work has begun.
It will be fun when you allow yourself the gift of Forgiveness.
Letting the past go is fun, safe and easy…….
When you are willing to make it so.

You see, the whole success is found in what you believe.
What you conceive and believe, you can achieve.
When you cannot think it, you will not believe it can be.
When you cannot believe it is true, it will not work for you.

Begin with the end in mind.
Begin with the thought in mind.
Begin with the belief in mind.
Begin one step at a time.

Forgive yourself.
Forgiveness is an eraser filled with Love.
When you erase your negative thinking, you can leave the space of Love.
When you undo all that is not loving and true, you will realize the good in you.

And so you can find peace in your mind.
Simply by erasing (forgiving) all thoughts that are not peaceful.
When it takes is willingness to do the work.
You might remember erasing the blackboard in school.

When you erase what you  and others have written there, there may be residue left behind.
Then we need to wash the board maybe several times until it is clean.
PS. Even on a whiteboard, erasing leaves a residue that sometimes requires washing.
Forgive until you are done….with no more limiting, lacking and belittling thoughts left.

Here is a very effective process I know works.
Email me if you need more help.
We are here to forgive the world we see, everything and everyone, including you and me.
Loving and living forgiveness with gratitude and joy,
Betty Lue

30 Days to Enlightenment  and Waking Up
30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.

Forgiveness heals our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands what we Choose and increases our Joy.

Daily Practice:
Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind. 
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within. 
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1-2 minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.

Now write and say 30 Choices. 
I choose to be happy. 
I choose to be free.  
I choose to do what I love. 
I choose to forgive….

In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the  sound “OM”  the Universal sound for Love and God for 1-2 minutes.

PS Even a few of each is better than none.  
Do what you can and trust it is working.

Loving You always, 
Betty Lue

Monday, October 22, 2012

Life is Good

Life is Good, when I believe in Goodness.
Life is not so good, when I believe it is not so good.
Life is bad and difficult and dangerous, when I believe this to be true.
I choose to think, see and know Life to be Good, and so it is for me.

What is there to heal?
Anytime I have guilt or shame, regret or blame, I need to heal.
Anytime I have upset or pain, or deny or disclaim, there is some thought to change.
Anytime I judge or fear, I have some notion to clear.

What is there to do?
To find the Good, I need to undo what I name as not good.
To see the Good, I need to forgive what I judge as not good.
To be the Good, I need to forgive, erase and release the mistakes of our past.

What is there to reveal?
I need to clear away the debris to really see what is here right now.
I need to stop making wrong and sing the song of happiness and gratitude.
I need to feel the peace with full release of all that lived in conflict and fear in my mind.

When we make amends for all offense, we are free to live the Good life.
When we release regret by paying our debts, we can trust in Abundant Giving.
When we undo the false by changing our righteous thoughts, we can hear the Truth within.
When we know there is no where to go and nothing to do but live what is True, Life Is Good.

We are the Good we seek.
We are the Good we know.
We are the Good we want to be.
We can heal the past and reveal present Gift of the Good that already is.

Believe it or not, the simple truth is true.
Believe it or not, what we want, we already have.
Believe it or not, our work is to undo what isn’t true.
Believe it or not, there is nothing to “get”, except to let go.

Life is Good, when we know we can let go.
Life is Good, when we see the Good within.
Life is Good, when we listen for the Truth within.
Life is Good, when we share only the Good we know.

Life is for giving.
We are the Gifts.
It is in giving the Gifts of Goodness that we are.
It is in this, we fully realize the Good that already Is.

Begin now to only teach what you want to remember. 
And give now what you want to receive.
And Be now what you want for your world.

Loving all as One, 
Betty Lue

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What is True for You?

What is dis-ease?
What creates lack of peace?
What causes inner conflict?
What causes fear?

How do we hurt ourselves?
How do we heal ourselves?
How do we do no harm?
How do we experience no harm?

We must reveal in order to heal.
We must stop deceiving ourselves.
We must know we do not know.
We must let go of what we make so.

Now is a time when we cannot be certain.
Now is the place where things change constantly.
Now is the moment in which we must listen within.
Now is our time to honestly begin to be true.

So what do we know?
We know we do not know.
We can try to convince others that our truth is true.
We can try to believe what we want to be true.

But we do not know.
All things change.
Everything we think can be questioned.
Our certainty is flawed.

So with doubt in mind, where do we go?
With fear in our hearts, what do we trust?
With confusion and complexity, what is clear?
With split loyalty and allegiance, what is certain?

The more we pretend, the more we believe what we say.
The louder we claim righteousness, the more we buy our own story.
The stronger we push, the more we feel our own power.
Yet, underneath it all, “We protest too much.”

In our defensiveness, we lose our way.
In our complexity, we are caught in the web.
In our ignorance, we become confuse and uncertain.
In our separation from Self, we listen to many voices.

Before I can “know”, I must admit not knowing.
Before I can seek, I must find my real Self.
Before I can live, I must let the past die.
Before I can be, I must give up trying to become.

Life is an amazing story of creation.
Everyday in everyway I am new again.
It is the birth of the Divine, the Sacred and Holy that inspires my mind.
It is the realization of unlimited freedom and trust that brings great Joy to my Heart.

Loving us all in our daily renewal,
Betty Lue
The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing

1.       The essence of our being is love.
2.       Health is inner peace, healing is letting go of fear.
3.       Giving and receiving are the same.
4.       We can let go of the past and of the future.
5.       Now is the only time there is, and each instant is for giving.
6.       We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than by judging.
7.       We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
8.       We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside.
9.       We are students and teachers to each other.
10.    We can focus on the whole of life, rather than the fragments.
11.    Since love is eternal, change need not be viewed as fearful.
12.    We can always perceive others as either extending love or giving a call for help.

Attitudinal Healing affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience.
Attitudinal Healing encourages us to re-examine our relationships, bringing them into the present by releasing past judgments and grievances.
Attitudinal Healing reminds us that perception is a mirror of what is in our mind.