Saturday, July 14, 2012

Chosen Roles and Responsibilities

There is nothing more important than living your Truth and following your Path.
We are not happy or complete until we have fulfilled our own mission and life purpose.
Not everyone is here to be a mother or father, a leader or teacher, a speaker or politician.
We need to choose wisely what will give us meaning and inspiration, purpose and joy.

During our lives we may change our focus, depending on the circumstance.
For example, I am more present as a grandmother than as a mother.
My devotion to my initial family came as a teaching from my Dad.
My devotion to grand parenting came as a “calling” and inspires me.

My life focus is for the “greater good”, the family of Humanity.
It is here that I am truly happy and fulfilled, inspired and grateful.
While being a super homemaker with gourmet cooking, landscaping, home decorating, and attention to husband and children, it was through volunteering 30 hrs/week in elementary classrooms, and parent education programs and community events that I began to fulfill my calling. And from this I went to graduate school for school and clinical psychology and later spiritual studies and more.

Ask yourself, what you are called to do.
A calling is not from duty or obligation.
A calling is not from societal or family training.
A calling is what moves and inspires you from within.

When we are truly happy, we give our best.
When we are truly inspired, we speak our truth.
When we are guided from within, we are honest and dependable.
When we know ourselves and give ourselves the best, we are respectful of others’ choices.

Where we find ourselves, discouraged and discontent, we are not following our path.
When we seem to be depressed and conflicted, we are usually denying ourselves.
When we are complaining, whining, wishing things were different, we may be forgetting ourselves.
When we let past history, fear, judgment and other’s approval lead us, we are neglecting our way.

The signs are clear.
Our right is to be happy and fulfilled.
Our role is to fully be all of Who We Are and do as we are called to do.
Our responsibility is to listen within and follow our calling.

Let us forgive ourselves for being misguided.
Let us forgive ourselves for letting “duty and obligation” rule.
Let us forgive ourselves for denying our inner Truth. 
Let us forgive ourselves for being unhappy and stuck.

Let us forgive and choose again for the right roles and responsibilities of our own Path.
Trust that each of us has a right way to live and love, serve and give, unique for us.
We cannot tell or define what is “right” for anyone else.
Serve yourself well and following your calling.

Loving you, 
Betty Lue