Monday, May 07, 2012

The Power of Gratitude

See Upcoming Retreats with Robert and I , plus Dances of Universal Peace With Sierra Lynne below.
You can also come on an individual retreat, both facilitated and solitary time or with your family.

The greatest tools for change we each have are forgiveness and gratitude.
When we forgive, we erase what we know longer want to be or do or have in our lives.
When we appreciate, we increase and highlight and fully receive what we value.
These are the greatest secrets of those who are creative, successful, productive and happy.

There is a call for us to awaken our own consciousness to use what we have for Good.
There is a cry for help in changing the way we live and love and think and serve.
There is a need to be empowered to make a difference in our homes and our work places.
There is  a desire to do what we can do to benefit everyone and our planet.

We already have the most powerful tools to make a positive impact right where we are.
With gratitude, we are increasing what we think and say and do.
With giving thanks we reward and encourage more of the same.  
With appreciation, we are feeding the thoughts and actions of those we appreciate.

When we are grateful, we demonstrate with a smile what we value.
When we are grateful, everyone receives the praise with no resistance.
When we are grateful, we fully receive that which we appreciate.
When we are grateful, we fully share our enjoyment and appreciation with others.

Some say grateful heals our bodies and minds.
When I practice gratitude, I am seeking to notice that which is good for me.
When I remember to give thanks, I am fully enjoying my meal, my relationships, my life.
When I freely express appreciation, I am in a naturally giving state and positive in attitude.

If you want to do an experiment for yourself.
Try 10 minutes or an hour or day of complaining.
Notice the aches and pains, the thought patterns, your ability to listen and learn.
Then in another 10 minutes or hour or day, try thinking, feeling and expressing appreciation.
And notice the physiological response, the thought patterns and your ability to listen and learn.

If you care to share….let me know your experience.
Nothing teaches like the experience itself.
Know that what I share in these reminders is always a gift for me and for you.
Everything we think and say and do has value, is a teaching and makes difference in our world.

I appreciate you, each one, for being willing to practice living your life always in the best way you know.
We are each one a gift to one another.
Give and receive the gift of relationship with full appreciation and the joy of giving yourself. 
Loving you,  
Betty Lue

Upcoming FACILITATED RETREATS with Betty Lue and Robert
See for info and pictures.

May 26-27  Self Affirming Retreat — “Learning to Love Who You Are”
*Undo unconscious programs and patterns. 
*Explore the power of affirmation, conscious breathing, inner listening, lifestyle changes and nutrition. 
*Remember Who You Are and Your Life Purpose.
*Love your Whole Self and Heal Your Life.

June 30-July 1 Loving Relationships Retreat  “Return to Love thru Forgiveness Now”
-Stop negative patterns of thinking, speaking and behaving.
-Learn to forgive and release the past.
-Recognize what your relationship purpose is.
-Inspire and support one another in healing and co-creating what you really want.

Sept. 1-2  Wellness Retreat “Honor Your Spirit, Mind and Body”
-Holistic approach to whole life health, using applied kinesiology, inner listening, inspiring information
-Listen to your body to find balance, vitality and peace. 
-Listen to your heart to find purpose and direction. 
- Forgive using the body without love and clarify how the body is a communication device for Love.

Send in your $50 deposit to hold your space or email me for more info..  
Reunion Ministries
17664 Greenridge Rd.
Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467 
Maximum of 8-10 participants. $50 deposit. 
$125 includes 1 day retreat + meals + 1 night lodging.
$225 includes 2 day retreat + meals + 1 night lodging.
$25 for each extra night of lodging.
Contribution for those with financial limitation. 
Contact Betty Lue for information and scheduling.
"The Goddess is alive – there is nowhere She is not.  The Goddess is inside – there is nowhere She is not." - Starhawk
Please join us this Saturday, MAY 12th for the DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek. Potluck at 6:30pm - DANCES: 7:30-9:30pm

Our theme this month will be honoring Mothers - the Divine Feminine, the Great Mother and the Goddess!  Let's celebrate this ever-flowing Source of healing and Life renewal with unconditional love and compassion from the One Holy Source.  May we absorb it for strength and healing in ourselves and each other.  May we radiate it out to bless and bring peace to the world.  Please join us as we renew our spirits with sacred song and movement honoring all the world's faiths and wisdom traditions.  There's plenty of room for friends old and new in our beautiful sanctuary where we love to praise, to give thanks, and to pray for peace, love, harmony and beauty!   Come, come whoever you are – Only LOVE is flowing here!
Sierra Lynne

"My peace theme:  Eat, Dance and Pray together" - Murshid Samuel Lewis (Dances originator)                    
Suggested donation $10 or love offering of any amount.

Please Note - for communications to SierraLynne:  Send email to her at, rather than replying to Betty Lue's email account.