To take care of yourself, do you know what you need?
To love yourself well, do you know what you need?
To be healthier and happier, do you know what you need?
To live on purpose with integrity, do you know what you need?
Many are taught to seek approval from others.
You may try to fit in and conform.
Some just go along to get along.
And others are confused by the choices available.
If you don’t like the life you have, seek a better way.
If you are unhappy or depressed, look for your natural joy.
If you are not pleased by the work that you do, look for what will make work good for you.
If your relationships are problematic, ask yourself first what you really want.
When you have neglected to clarify what you want and need, you cannot achieve it.
When you are ignorant about the unlimited possibilities in life, you cannot conceive it.
When you are following those who are lost, you will be lost too,
When you are listening within to what works, you will find what is true for you.
Take the time to claim your own way.
Find the inner resources to access what is right and true for you.
Experiment and explore, observe and create.
Generate from all your experiences what is best for you.
When what you have been doing, let it go with gratitude.
What is needed at one time in your life, you will outgrow.
What works for you yesterday may not work today.
Be open and willing, flexible and curious to find what is needed in this moment now.
When we become too rigid, we are not open to new integration.
When our minds become too chaotic, we have allowed so much data that we cannot clarify.
When we are open and willing to explore, we connect with what we know and what we cannot know.
When we connect all that we know and think and feel and perceive and dream and sense, we integrate at a higher level.(When we allow disintegration peacefully, we can integrate at a more coherent level. )
Life gives us what we need when we consciously receive and perceive what is good for us.
We are the ones who are choosing how to respond with gratitude rather than react with fear.
We can collectively learn from everything what we need and value and benefit from.
We are seeing what is needed for the whole being, the holy Self, all humanity and beyond.
When we function, consciously choosing the better way, we will always evolve in ways that benefit All.
Let us listen within to our whole self to live and give what we each individually need in each moment.
Loving us all as the amazing Whole Being we are,
Betty Lue