Do you live your best Self relentlessly?
Are you shining your light so all can see?
Do you remind others what they can be?
We can live in love when we are free!
What would it take to give without expectation?
Can you give freely of your time, money and resources without expecting a return?
Do you receive from giving with gratitude and joy?
Do you realize that generosity is a natural quality of being happy and fulfilled?
Those who are needy, give in order to get.
Getting appreciation, or money or approval is the reward for the ego’s giving.
Those who are inspired and content give for the joy of sharing what they have.
It is not those with few possessions, but those who want more, who are poor. Seneca
Where have our values gone?
Do we know what it means to tithe? ( to share 10% or more of what we have.)
Do we realize the value of volunteering at home and church and community?
Do we understand the benefit of giving more than is asked or expected?
My Dad said volunteering 20 + hrs. weekly was a selfish act because it gave him so much good.
My parents were philanthropists in so many ways.
They not only gave to family and friends, but to strangers they might meet along the way.
Our home was open for a bed or meals, but more importantly their hearts were open to listen and encourage everyone the met.
Do you know the value of giving everyday to everyone along your way?
When you are working, give extra attention to the job, to the people and to your bosses.
When you are off work, give your time, energy and money to people and places that will benefit from you.
When you are at home, take special care of everyone there, keeping the place clean, beautiful and in order.
Stop working for others and doing. because others want it or demand it.
Begin working for yourself, for the enjoyment, for the pride, for the accomplishment for pure Goodness sake.
Stop working for money and start working for love, for contentment, for fulfillment.
Begin working for how great you feel when you give your all to something and see your value.
Look around and you see the call for Love, Goodness and Completion everywhere.
Why not be the one to roll up your sleeves and get to work?
Why not be the example of the one who cares and wants to share?
Why not be the light that steps into the darkness to find your light is needed?
There is no harm in giving where it is needed.
There is no greater reward than to open the flow to give all to those you encounter.
There is no more fulfilling moment than to see how your life, wisdom and resources are a blessing to others.
To have all, give all to all. ACIM
You cannot understand what your giving means,
until to recognize you are a” volunteer” here on this earth,
in your home and community and at your place of work.
When you know this is all your choice, you will give your All to receive All you give! Betty Lue
Happy to give my all to all to have the joy of living in Love,
Betty Lue