What has history taught you?
What do you believe about the great ones?
What stories do you tell?
What have you learned from your own life experience?
Despair or Triumph?
Quitting or Rising above?
Losing or Gaining?
Choosing death or choosing life?
Research tell us that low esteemed children are obedient and conforming.
High esteemed children speak up and can be defiant and rebellious.
We may have learned to follow the crowd, be just like our parents, and do what we are told.
We may have learned to be free, independent, strong in our beliefs and courageous in our actions.
What we learn is a choice.
Who we choose as our teachers is a choice.
How we perceive the lesson is a choice.
The way we live and teach what we are learning and teaching is a choice.
Perhaps the way we choose to perceive the story determines the value we receive.
Perhaps our choice of which version we believe determines what we remember.
Perhaps our past experiences and memories determine our interpretation of the information.
Perhaps our judgment of the “facts” and the “words” being used determine the ending we believe in.
What we learn and how we learn and what we teach and how creates impressions in our minds.
These impressions are filters through which we make decisions by imprinting our lives.
Children raised in similar homes often have totally different stories to tell.
Those who experience a dramatic incident or life- threatening illness or loss perceive it uniquely.
There is no right way or factual truth when seen through our individual perceptions.
Each one of us sees and “knows” only a small piece of the whole picture.
Each individual is interpreting what they see, hear and feel through the filters of their past learning.
Your “truth” is yours to believe and live and remember……and so is their “truth” to believe and live and “remember”.
I prefer stories of triumph.
I prefer stories of kindness.
I prefer stories of encouragement.
I prefer to hear, believe and tell stories which strengthen healing, trust, happiness, courage and peace.
When I forgive my past, I choose to forget moment of pain and problems.
When I remember my past, I choose to remember these moments of joy and gratefulness.
When I hear stories of crucifixion, suffering and unkindness, I choose to look for the gift and blessings.
When I have a choice on what to learn, I choose positive, helpful, strengthening effective lessons.
When I have a choice about what book to read, what TV program to watch, what person to lead, what interpretation to believe, I choose the one that inspires me, encourages me, and strengthens my faith, hope and Love.
I recommend that we remember we always have a choice.
We are not stuck with any lesson or learning or teaching or teacher.
All things can be unlearned and undone within our minds and our lives.
We can choose for happiness, wholeness and inner Peace in each moment.
Loving you and me as we become choosers (instead of losers),
Betty Lue
From friend Cheri Rainey and her inner guide Abraham.
Yesterday, I was focused on knee and ankle pain and then two of our doggies, Ike and Zach started limping, carrying their back leg. I’m not saying there is a connection; I’m just saying that today, this is my focus.
Cheryl A. Rainey, PhD, MBA, LMFT
Expanding Lives, Transforming Relationships, Advancing Businesses
Today Illness, Tomorrow Wellness
You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today, and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them. Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast. But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast. So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in — for me to figure out how to feel good, when I'm looking at something that makes me feel bad -- Abraham
"Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old. - Ralph Waldo Emerson