I choose to remember the truth I know.
I choose to recognize the Love in me.
I choose learning that sets us free.
I choose to live and learn, teach and know what is Good and helpful for all.
There are many interpretations of the Jesus story.
Some made people love more and live better.
Some made people guilty, angry and go to war.
I prefer to remember the story of forgiveness, renewal and resurrection.
Each one of us has our own story, our history and our way of interpreting what we perceive.
The Easter story is meant to be a story of freedom, transformation and renewal.
What is your story of freedom, transformation and renewal,
Much of life seems to die and fade away, and still we rise again to live anew.
Ask yourself how you renew your life each and every day?
How do you let go of the previous day and renew your inspiration to live again with joy?
Do you forgive and choose again?
Do you go to sleep to rest your body and renew your mind?
Do you wipe the canvas clean to design the next day with love and gratitude?
Do you dedicate your day to Spirit and surrender your need to be in charge?
Do you invite Spiritual direction to guide your choices and listen within?
Where do you begin to remember and realize that each day’s experiences are yours to choose?
Yes, unconscious choices have been made by others and you choose how to navigate through life.
It seems humanity has littered the waterways and emotional climate with garbage.
How we steer clear of what is not healthy, good, loving and helpful is ours to choose.
We are here to heal our minds, by making healthy choice.
We are here to clear our lives, by forgiving what is not Good for us.
We are here to choose loving ways, by letting go of our fears.
We are here to be awake, aware and give thoughts, words and deeds to Goodness and Inspiration.
This is another day on which to choose.
Time and Space give us the opportunity to choose again every moment.
The appearency of faulty thinking and mistaken choices are ours to erase with forgiveness now.
We can choose to rise again with Love as our Guide and Happiness as our Gift.
We choose how to remember this day and everyday.
We choose what to appreciate and celebrate and increase.
We choose how to live and love and learn and let go.
We choose when it is our time to shine and when to move on.
Life is a never-ending circle of infinite choice in which to voice what is our Truth.
Live your Truth fully and freely and you will experience what you want Life to be for you.
Loving you,
Betty Lue