Two Keys to Having the Life You Want!
1) Love Yourself well everyday in everyway.
2) Live, Love, Learn and Let Go
When you do not love others well, it is always because you have not loved yourself well.
When you do not feel respected and appreciated, it is because you do not respect and appreciate you well.
When you feel unhappy, depressed, critical, scared and confused, it is because you are lacking purpose.
When you don’t experience life as fun, safe and easy, it is a wakeup call to love you well and live your life with purpose and inspired direction.
To love yourself well requires that you know yourself.
Take time to discover what you want, how you think, what you feel and where you want to grow.
Journal, listen within, observe, get acquainted with what you have done and want to do.
Understand and support your desires, your needs, your strengths and you interests.
To love yourself well requires that you forgive your fears, your regrets and your resentments
Where you hold negative thoughts and feelings, you block the Love for yourself.
Where you are in ignorance, fear and avoidance, you diminish the light within to see and know you.
Where you are caught in other’s opinions and approval, you distract and deny the Real You.
If you want to know you and love you, look for your joys, your enthusiasm, your inner peace and power.
If you want to be the Real You, pay attention to what give your energy and inspiration.
If you want to do what you are here to do with your life, pay attention to what you love to do.
If you want to be All You Can Be, feed yourself affirmation and appreciation constantly.
Life purpose and inspired direction follow close behind a grateful heart and open mind.
When you trust yourself and free yourself to be yourself without limitation, you will know.
When you give your mind to all Good and open your heart to all Love, you will know.
We already have what we need to know. We simply need to let go of all the distractions.
To get clear about your direction, you seek to find your direction, your purpose and your focus.
Every upset indicates that you are off purpose and being distracted by the lack of purpose in others.
To best inspire, facilitate and encourage others, follow what has heart and meaning for you!
Stop choosing to allow those around us to direct your course, for yours is unique.
Often others want for us and direct us to their own calling and purpose.
Often others criticize us for what they criticize in themselves.
We can best lead by living through our example a life of Self actualization and fulfillment.
Take time daily to reaffirm and realize how you are living the life you want.
Love Your Authentic Self with respect, responsibility, trust and appreciation.
Live your life making every day and every relationship count.
Love all others with respect, responsibility, trust and appreciation.
Learn from every one and every experience.
Let go of everything that is no longer of value to you. “Let Go and let Good happen.”
Life unfolds easily, quickly and with joy when we let it be!
Loving you and me as one,
Betty Lue