We cannot truly begin again without ending.
Some never end but keep everything from their past.
Some fill their minds with past memories of triumphs and regrets.
Some simply keep going with what they have.
Many quotes from many folks:
Make the best of it.
All you have left is your memories.
Once you make your bed, lie in it.
Never quit on anything.
Those who never quit always succeed.
Always finish what you start.
Quotes out of the B’Lue:
When you wake up each morning, it is a new day.
When we go to sleep, we can forgive all mistakes and be grateful for the learning.
Every moment, each person is truly new again, when we see them with forgiveness.
We can choose a blank slate on which to write our own destiny whenever we choose.
The best new beginnings follow happy endings.
Honorable closure to everything comes with an awareness of learning, challenges, and total appreciation.
All life and all experiences have cycles designed for completion.
When we bypass what is needed to learn, integrate, plan, understand, conserve, we are incomplete.
Only when we vision and create, plan and prepare, do and dare, enjoy and receive, rest and renew, are we done.
When we leave a partner, a job, a home, a friendship with full appreciation and honorable closure, we are set to repeat whatever was left undone.
Society seems to leave much left undone, unfinished and incomplete, leaving it to someone else to clean up.
Litter calls to be picked up.
Spending needs to be moderated.
Homes are to be clean and harmonious sanctuaries for rest and renewal.
Vehicles are to be maintained for easy efficient transportation.
Words must to be meaningful.
Relationships call for respect.
Bodies are to be used for loving purposes.
Minds call to be filled with positive and useful information.
Children are to be taught (by our example) respect, responsibility and cooperation.
Each life experience has a value, when we remember what we value.
When we do not value ourselves, we cannot value our lives.
When we do not value life, we do not value others.
When we do not value others, we experience a meaningless world.
Choose today to value every word you say, every relationship you have.
Value today the way you eat and spend and live and love.
Value your life and see how much life values you.
When we live with no values and no meaning, no one cares.
Take time to finish each conversation with a blessing (inner or outer).
The origin of Good-bye is “God be with ye”.
Stop before you speak and ask what is your intention or desired outcome.
When we know what we want to achieve, it is much more likely to achieve it.
Become aware of what you really want.
Focus on every positive step in living the life you value and choose.
Appreciate each choice, each relationship, each act of conscious kindness.
Give yourself the loving attention and respect you deserve.
Your life is your gift to yourself.
Betty Lue